Where in the world have you seen a newly elected official give his loser opponent a job? This was an idiotic question from one of Samuelsen’s mouthpiece! Another rabid infected poodle chimed in ‘He offered a job to Curtis Tate, his opponent for president. Several of Toussaint's supporters who were on staff and near retirement were allowed to remain on the union payroll until they reached their retirement dates, rather than be subject to the TA's medical dept’. Samuelsen has brought goodwill and unified the TWU Local 100. More ridiculous, bizarre & clueless statements followed and they believe that would be the end of all discussion?
Samuelsen’s propaganda machine is at work because these oxymoronic statements are thinly veiled expressions of a superiority complex. While I strongly support their right to free speech times change. If you want a union to be a homogeneous union, where everyone peddles your shameless propaganda, I’m sure that exists. But not in TWU Local 100 union.
Those mouthpieces of Samuelsen seem to neglect the elephant in the room, which is that 70% of the membership identify themselves as people of color and Samuelsen is a Toussaint loyalist. When TWU Local 100 began in 1934, it was a small group of primarily Irish transit workers aimed to represent just themselves but times have changed. We do not think Samuelsen and his propaganda machine would expect Sylvia's to serve Irish stew they can choose to try some African American dishes and they might like them.
Samuelsen needs his opponent, he wants him there because of the 70% of people of color and not because of his generosity. The numbers do not lie because without his opponent African Americans are the majority and he needs them to create an illusion of satisfying African Americans. However when society of African American transit employees recently had its 42nd annual dinner dance, guess who were absent? Samuelsen and his propaganda machine could not attend.
We think those mouthpieces realize all of these but use their rhetorical questions as a thin veil for their antipathy toward African Americans. Samuelsen may attend the Sikh American transit employee society function but does that mean he will treat the two societies or groups equally? Also whether this would be fair behavior from Samuelsen? Do you believe Samuelsen will snub other ethnicities functions just like the society of African American transit employees?
The subject of bigotry is a complicated one because it takes many forms and occurs for a variety of reasons, ranging from pure prejudice on one hand to other motives on the other. Can you consider Samuelsen’s boycott towards the society of African American transit employees as discrimination and was this snub intentional or just a mere oversight? Samuelsen must be given the benefit of doubt because maybe he had a family emergency but what about his propaganda machine barmbrack eaters? Why didn’t they show up? What are the consequences of their behavior and who gains and loses from it?
Clearly Samuelsen’s propaganda machine claims that he does “satisfy and unify the entire union” because he let his opponent stay at the union hall. But this is oxymoronic to the extreme because any member of the society of African American transit employees knows that actions speak louder than words.