Friday, September 17, 2010

Flexible benefit or fixed benefit

As employee compensation has evolved, we need to take a new look at our wages or salary. Also a fixed package of fringe benefits such as our employer sponsored health insurance plan, a certain number of vacation days, and so on.
Rather than one fixed package of benefits paid by our employer a flexible benefit package would be great, if the plan provides each employee with an amount of money with which they can purchase the mix of fringe benefits desired. Maybe employees can even choose to take money in the form of additional cash compensation rather than fringe benefits.
It is a known fact that the flexible benefit plans are primarily for white collar workers that allowed choice over the mix and level of health, life and retirement benefits. We demand that blue collar workers be afforded the same. We have gained bits which are not good enough.
We do not want to pay more for healthcare which is expected to cost our employer less. Rather than defining the benefits it will pay for, the employer must state how much it will contribute towards the cost of benefits without any cap. It should then allocate monies to employees who buy the benefit they want, thus the membership would not be shortchanged or have to choose what cover to have for their family members.
There are different needs for the memberships whether cost of child care or medical expenses or a worker who is unmarried or a family of four who may need dental benefits or childless employees.

1 comment:

  1. Again Manhattanville you are not showing the insight that is expected of a potential Union leader. A flexible benefit if the member would decide to say...forego vacations in lieu of money would cost what evry Union cherishes more than the almighty dollar.....JOBS!!!! Less vacations mean LESS Unions priority number one is to protect jobs. Flexed benefits are proverbial little girl with the curl..they can be sweet or.............well you know.
