Monday, February 28, 2011

Wisconsin Capitol

It is rumored that John Samuelsen and his TBOU team will not vacate the capitol in Madison, Wisconsin as he claimed ‘nothing short of victory is acceptable’. As a result, once governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker heard those words he scrambled and ordered the Capitol Police to clear the building by 4 PM Sunday. 
The Capitol Police plan to close the building and return to normal business. They have warned John Samuelsen and his TBOU team that they have to pack their bags and leave. However if they disobey then they would be placed under arrest with charges of disorderly conduct or trespassing fines ranging from $50 to $400.
John Samuelsen is a fierce fighter and the Capitol Police in Madison, Wisconsin know that TWU Local 100 president will make their task miserable. However now Samuelsen has to prove to the membership by deed as well as action what he means by ‘our resolve’ - is it only in hyperbole and rhetoric?
Time will tell as events unfold in Madison, Wisconsin who are there for the union and who are just talk. We will be glued to our television sets as we monitor the events unfold.
Now the numbers must be revealed of how much this junket cost. Currently there is a guessing game of $20,000 or $35,000 or $55,000 or maybe more. Now it is your turn to play guessing game on what you think that number is.

1 comment:

  1. Your estimate is way high. I understand it was a 2 person delegation. That stayed at Union hotels. Very reasonable prices. Starting at 20k is way too high. I doubt it was even 25% of that. Paulp
