Monday, July 11, 2016


By Eleanor Clift

The distrust of him and whether he is capable to be the president of the United States and lead this country is not high. And people are forced to choose between Trump and Hillary. As the president said, it’s chicken or fish. There’s no vegetarian option, unless you want to go for the libertarians. So, there actually is a libertarian option. But a lot of people are going to support Hillary because they cannot abide Donald Trump.

I'm voting for Hillary Clinton this year, and my reasons are very clear. 1) I don't support any candidate from any party who scapegoats others, incites white people to act violently or pursue legislation to round up people of color, and has a persistent habit of ridiculing anyone and everyone, including members of their own party, if people don't agree with them. Donald Trump has scapegoated Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, women, and Black folks; hate crimes are on the rise thanks to his rhetoric; and frankly, I was hurt when he called Republican Senator John McCain a loser. Trump had no business using McCain's experience as a P.O.W. to illustrate McCain's failings as a winner. McCain has served these United States much more vigorously than Trump ever could, as a father, as a soldier, and as a long-time member of Congress. He also had no business going after Jeb Bush's wife because his wife was Hispanic. 2) I don't support candidates who revere Vladimir Putin. Putin is dangerous and we would be wise to spy on him as much as we spy on ISIS. Trump likes Putin. That's a bad idea. 3) But, the last straw for me is this email nonsense. Republicans have spent billions of American tax dollars on investigating by all accounts work related emails. It was no surprise to me at all that the FBI didn't find a crime. Criminal behavior has to have intent to defraud, blackmail, steal, assassinate, murder, intimidate, suppress, or profit from illegally. First, most email systems are hackable, including my very own email. Second, Hillary didn't contact enemy nations, third parties, or her secret police to purposefully give them America's secret secrets. Her conversations where with her aides and our nation's allies. Yet, Trump and the Republican Party want to SPEND more money on this nonsense. What ever happened to fiscal restraint, small government, and the nation's priorities? Has to be Clinton for me.

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