Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump promised to release his taxes if President Obama produced his birth certificate

Sep 16, 2016 

Here’s Donald Trump three years after President Obama released his long-form birth certificate.

“You questioned his citizenship during his campaign, and you said afterwards if he produced that long-form birth certificate, you’d produce your tax returns. But you didn’t do it, did you?” asked Ireland TV3’s Colette Fitzpatrick in May 2014.

“Well, I don’t know — did he do it?” Trump said. “If I decide to run for office I’ll produce my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that. I did produce a financial statement even though I wasn’t even running. I did produce a financial statement and it was shocking to some because it was so much higher than people thought possible.”

Yes, and people are still shocked over Donald Trump’s inflated estimates of his own worth that have so far been backed up by exactly zero details. 

But now that Donald Trump says he ended the birther question, and he is running for office … that must mean he accepts that Barack Obama has released his birth certificate. Right? Isn’t that how Trump “won” this for the nation? So where are his taxes?

Yes, releasing them will probably lead to actual questions about their content, but that’s why you make something public—to answer questions. Hillary Clinton has made 35 years of her taxes public. Donald Trump, despite promising on many occasions, has released zero.

Here’s a tip for the media, to avoid future disasters like the one this morning, any time you get a statement of a new “Major Announcement” from Trump, just ask this: “Are you going to release your taxes?” Think of it as The One Question. If Trump won’t give you a yes to this question, there’s no point in asking anything else.

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