Friday, November 5, 2010

Jay H Walder 7

Dear Andrew Mark Cuomo
Congratulations for becoming the 56th New York State Governor 
Before you begin your first day in office we write as members of the blue collar workers from main street and we wish for you to consider our view point. Our view as average New Yorkers of the MTA CEO and chairman Jay H Walder is that he should no longer hold his position of leadership in public service.
Jay H Walder’s proposals indicate that there would be no enhancement or improvement of service for New Yorkers. However New Yorkers are faced with a Walder myth or a ploy to squeeze Albany for money. If not then he has mastered the art of punishing average New Yorkers with severe service cuts, fare increases, and toll increases. With your new administration you would not want to send a message to New Yorkers that you care less and you approve of Walder’s manipulations which are endemic.
Jay H Walder has threatened the society with his service cuts which have hurt students, the disabled, the elderly and night workers who rely on transportation to get around and accomplish their daily lives. Since you have been elected as a new governor those Walder threats would be counter productive to your ambitions and wishes for New Yorkers therefore you must not stand for them.
Jay H Walder has laid off over one thousand of our fellow co-workers who are exemplary and hard working employees in the nation. His financial rhetoric is as bogus as a three dollar bill. Now he has embarked on employing new employees with the expenses for training contradicting the financial status that he claims is available. Why not rehire the laid off employees and save the training costs of the new employees. This is not the financial wizardry that your new administration wants to convey to New Yorkers.
Jay H Walder recently has claimed that there will be no more service cuts on his watch. However Walder has left the executive and management quite intact and those at the aristocratic level are still enjoying their $20,000 fresh sushi. We find that troubling and he is known as a master of not providing any specifics. As a result that leads to an obvious collision course with the labor organization of the TWU Local 100 especially in  the areas regarding the blue collar pensions, health benefits and work practices. That is why we believe this is not the message your new administration would want to convey.
Jay H Walder reduced services that have converted a premier world transportation system to a troubled third world transportation system. He has reduced the work force of the blue collar workers which has created a toxic environment in the relationship between the employer and employee. He has increased fares and tolls which have caused everyone to be upset and now he realizes that he has nowhere to go which is why he has promised no more service cuts, however we are not going to hold our breath and his credibility has been shattered, Walder has no place in your future administration. We hope you can be just like your father former New York state 52nd Governor Mario Matthew Cuomo who strived in the basic well being of the individuals and the society.


  1. Cuomo's platform was to make workers pay for the crisis caused by the banks and wall street. (Granted Paladino was anti-worker as well - I hate both of them). His proposals include

    1.) Major cuts in state agencies
    2.) 2-year wage freeze for state workers
    3.) tier-6 pension for all state workers: 30-62 w no overtime allowed in calculation.

    no added costs for the banks, the bosses or wall street.

    this is a pure anti-worker agenda. I'd be surprised if he replaces Walder, and if he does, it will be with someone WORSE.

    why congratulate him on his election. He is clearly our enemy?

  2. We must be careful to remember that in politics we have no friends whether they be of the right or the left. EVERYONE involved in politics is out for themsleves, each and every one.
    It is pretty clear after years of broken promises and rhetoric all we really have is the 38,000 of the TWU.
    God willing that will be enough.
