Monday, August 8, 2011

Financial control officer

It is said John E Samuelsen president of TWU Local 100 - Take Backward Our Union has had enough of his financial irregularities which has thrown the TWU Local 100 into a downward spiral. Based on that in the beginning of June 1, 2011 he has created a position of financial control officer who will devise and verify appropriate financial control policies. It is said he is still trying hard to name the position, whether its financial control officer, financial advisor or financial ombudsman. We say name him financial control officer, let his blue inked pen flow - that has consumed him since June 1, 2011. He believes the time is not right - the critical question remains when is a good time for John E Samuelsen.
The financial control officer will use a blue ink pen, as per John E Samuelsen that the financial control officer will review policies for other areas. It is said John E Samuelsen wants to safeguard the membership dues. Samuelsen believes that going after others is critical. That those who were before him must be pursued first then they have to pay first. As a result if they pay up then he can look at what went wrong since he took office. Sound contradicting? Yes it is. John E Samuelsen wants to throw TWU Local 100 into turmoil - then he can go around claiming the previous administration took monies that they don't want to pay up. He will use it as an excuse that his financial irregularities be forgiven or overlooked that is his way to put things right. 
John E Samuelsen believes he is smarter than the US President Barack H Obama’s principle of ‘looking forward as opposed to backwards’ investigating the crimes of the Bush administration. Samuelsen’s principle is to look backward rather than to look forward. He is so assured that the executive board members will rubber stamp this principle of looking backward. He believes he has the votes from the executive board - as a reward to those executive board members they would be issued blue inked pens so they can use them in signing their names in blue ink on their votes.

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