Monday, October 24, 2011

Michael Alden’s Contract Demand 2011

Main table
  1. Substantial pay increase for each year of the agreement
  2. Substantial increase in night and weekend differential
  3. Longevity pay at the rate of $100 per year - $1,000 for 10 years, $1,500 for 15 years ,$2,000 for 20 years, $2,500 for 25 years, $3,000 for 30 years
  4. We want 50% penalty for delay of earned wages that have been delayed beyond 5 business days of the normal payroll day then compounded as a penalty for each day there after
  5. Cash in full value for unused vacation, sick allowances and they should be pensionable
  6. $20 meal allowance for attendance in any proceeding or medical assignments or otherwise
  7. All medicals to be paid at the minimum 6 hours time spent
  8. 6 weeks vacation after 20 years of service 
  9. Eliminate the overtime cap
  10. Life insurance of minimum of $10 million paid by NYCTA for any employee losing their life while on the job
  11. Annual sick allowance to be credited on 1st of January for all employees regardless of the length of the employment
  12. Eliminate diagnosis/prognosis line in the sick line form
  13. Amend the 3 days to 10 days to turn in the sick line form
  14. Family members getting universal passes for spouse & children
  15. Universal passes of the employees and their family members to be made valid in all MTA rail, buses lines to include bridges and tunnels
  16. Discipline managers for wrongful prosecution
  17. Reduce disciplinary investigation from going back 3 years to 12 months only
  18. Eliminate co payment for any medical visit
  19. Dependents college student health coverage to include dental and vision
  20. Benefit should not be cancelled or cut for an out of work employee for any reason including reclassification
  21. Increase in choice of health care providers at a minimum of 7 providers
  22. Paid personal day and holidays regardless of the length of employment
  23. Death in family to cover extended family leave to increase to 7 days at full pay
  24. Ordinary death benefits to be increased for the member and their spouse
  25. Move back the contract expiration date to expire in December 2014
  1. All swings should be at a minimum of 50 minutes
  2. Swing should be after the fourth hour
  3. Tripper swings should be paid in full regardless of their length
  4. Increase the quota of change of days, vacation days, AVA & OTO to 10%
  5. Donate OTO, AVA, vacation time to a fellow member in need
  6. Eliminate sick control list
  7. Employee can not be taken out of service until guilt has been proven
  8. Jury duty should be considered as time worked - want to double up, extra piece
  9. 10 minute pre trip inspection for on the road relief/ pre trip inspection at the depot increase to 20 minutes
  10. Mandatory swing rooms at the end of the lines
  11. OTO time to be cashed out at any time of the year
  12. 1st preventable accident should be appealable 
  13. Unlimited cash out of vacation time
  14. Pay for the day when you are put back to work by the doctor - suppose you come back at the middle of the day or afternoon then you are told your run is out
  15. Maternity leave 8 weeks with full pay
  16. You should not lose pay while waiting for reclassification whether for medical reason or any other reason
  17. Premium pay on cdl, 19A, stress etc. stressful titles require stressful premium pay
  18. Substantial pay increase in shifter differential and articulated differential
  19. Assault pay should be 5 years
  20. No preset penalties all should be negotiable 
  21. Taxes reimbursement for license renewal 
  22. No layoff
  23. Mother nature events (Emergency) snow blizzard, earthquake, hurricane, tornadoes whatever they must be specific and clear spelling out what, when, where the employee should do
  24. $2 holiday premium must be raised to $5 holiday premium to cover all 11 holidays
  25. The increase of our personal auto insurance that is being caused by work related accidents must be reimbursed by NYCTA


  1. You have quite a few gems here. Whether they are attainable is unknown, but the ideas are what is important.

    I like almost 90% of this list. Question is will the MTA?

    But I'm thinking: with a $10 million on the job death benefit, would our wives and children possibly be disappointed when we come home from work everyday?
    Maybe the doggies too?

  2. Rather than deal with the MTA you might want to send the list to Santa Clause.

    Get real with the membership and tell them what we face in January don't give them a wish list.

    In a perfect world our members deserve
    everything on that list. But you need to deal with reality and if you want an additional cost item either your not going to get it or you'll need to trade off something.

    Anyway who cares what a non-dues paying member thinks?

  3. Or what a neck brace wearing old coot who tried to get a fellow union brother fired thinks.

  4. Another dues delinquent scab on the EBoard.
