Friday, March 2, 2012

John Liu and friends

Hou, Jenny Complaint

John Liu


  1. That was then, this is now. Local 100 is still standing next to this guy. What donations have they made?

  2. Didn't John Liu just return like $250 to TWU as presented to the Executive Board in Secretary Treasurer Earl Phillips report 3 months ago? Yes Samuelsen has ridden the Liu train as far as he could. Now (albeit way Liu late) he has hopped off. On face the campaign refunds show Liu and Samuelsen to be guilty. Hopefully the Liu investigation has an extra pair of handcuffs for John Samuelsen. Perhaps going in for hip surgery now is because he knows from his days in Corrections that medical care is by far and away shoddy behind bars and wanted to get it done before the cell door closes on him. Just a thought.

  3. Hey guys there was an MTA board meeting both you "Union activists" missed.
    You both missed a chance to help everyone in the Union you guys say you care so much about.
    Where were you guys?
    Where was Tommy Creegan? and all the other people who want to be President of this Union?
    Where were they during any of the crisises during the last couple of years?

    I know where Joh Samuelsen was: standing right beside us trying to fight for his members.
    Where were you guys?

    Probably throwing darts in the John Samuelsen dart board.

    BTW John Liu was there for us trying to help us keep booths open and try to stop the lay-offs.

    Where were you two?
