There are a lot of things about this lawsuit that just plain stinks;
First off, when did it become o.k. that a member should sue his own Union? Did this lawsuit happen because Ainsley Stewart succeeded in suing Local 100 for wages he was not paid in the Toussaint administration? My guess is that the answer is yes. If not “because” then certainly inspired by.
Secondly does this crew who sued about the new Union Hall realize that there is a contract fight going on? That maybe right now this kind of thing is not exactly what the Union, all 38,000 of us need? It does not surprise me because this crew has cared more about politics from the beginning. When members got laid-off they stood by and did nothing. When other crises came to Local 100 they did nothing too. No wait, they did do something, they kept attacking the President that is all they did.
From what has been told to me, the Judge in this case outlined to the Landers side each and every possible reason for an injunction and explained how their lawsuit did not even come close, on any point.
You would think a reasonable person, after they had this explained to them would understand, and admit they lost a badly thought out lawsuit. Maybe admit that Samuelsen was right. But not these guys, they have articles all over their website saying how the members were denied democracy by the Federal Court.
Think about just how crazy that is….these are the guys who sued. These are the guys who said they could only get justice in the Federal court because the Executive Board is compromised by Samuelsens’ yes people. These are the guys who said Samuelsen was killing democracy inside Local 100 and the Federal Court would prove that…..NOW THEY LOSE IN FEDERAL COURT AND NOW FEDERAL COURT IS NO GOOD TOO.
Kind of sounds like the kid in class who says: my dog ate my homework, or I failed because the teacher doesn’t like me. They have zero credibility in my eyes.
Landers himself writes an article about the lawsuit that says,” But anytime you put your fate in the hands of a judge, it is a crapshoot.” (1)
Excuse me; you brought the lawsuit into Federal Court. Are you saying the Federal Court of the United States of America is a crapshoot? I guarantee that if Landers would have won this lawsuit he would be waving the flag and signing God Bless America, instead of casting doubts on US Federal Court.
Landers also says,” Our union president spent at least $20,000 of our dues dollars in legal fees…”(2) did Landers forget HE was the one who originated the lawsuit? Not Samuelsen. The President was just coming off surgery, does Landers think he wanted to be anywhere near a courtroom or home recuperating?
Just how stupid does Landers think the members are? This has gotten to the point of ridiculous. YOU sue someone and they are wrong to bring in lawyers to defend themselves?
It was Not John Samuelsen who wasted $20,000 dollars of dues money on legal fees; it was John Landers and his two handlers: Creegan and Izzy who did that. Blame them.
Listen to what the Editor of the site writes; “Wait a second, I have a thought! The Federal Courthouse in todays proceedings is just down the street from Local 100's new Condo! Is it fair to assume that someone might take into consideration the money that could potentially be pumped into the downtown Brooklyn area by a large Transit Union such as Local 100? Could today's decision be based on pure finacially motivated politics?” (3)
Surely, if this twisted logic does not prove the inmates have taken over the asylum than what else would? Maybe a funny hat and a little dance? Someone saying they are Napoleon? I have heard better logic from sleep deprived homeless people on platform benches than from these guys.
So you didn’t lose the lawsuit because it had no merit but because of real estate values? That statement alone proves these guys are clueless and totally disingenuous. So now these guys are accusing the Federal Court of conspiracy?
All along one of the main arguments that we should buy a Union Hall in downtown Brooklyn is that in the location of 195 Montague Street, the selling price we get now will not be available in the near future. Why? Because of climbing real estate values. Now even the critics of the building sale seem to agree about this.
So instead of closing the deal now, (and saving the members money) these geniuses want to delay the deal so the members end up paying more? And one of these guys wants to be President of Local 100? Yeah, right.
If I may add, this whole lawsuit thing is a replay of the E Board trial that resulted in the removal of Israel Rivera jr. in 2010. If you remember Creegan defended Izzy and did a terrible job, (offered little or no defense) that Izzy was removed from his elected office and suspended for 3 years. Ceegan and Izzy blamed a compromised E Board. (even though every vote was something like 35-1 against Izzy).
Now the same crew loses again, this time in Federal Court and what is their angle? It was NOT Fair!!!! The Court was rigged!!!! Crapshoot!!!! Real Estate values!!!!!
These are the guys you want running your Union? You got to be kidding.
The saddest thing about this lawsuit is IMHO John Landers was put up to do this by his two handlers. Those two guys put Landers out in the line of fire because they did not want to be part of a losing law suit against Local 100 because they both aspire to political office inside Local 100. (Thankfully one of them is suspended for 3 years and can’t run).
Their thinking was if this lawsuit turns out to be a stinker (and boy did it ever stink) then Landers takes the fall not them. Because Landers insists that he is not running for office in TWU. (let’s see) Would it be too sarcastic to say this is a perfect example of their leadership skills? Throw their followers under the bus while they remain clean? Oh Boy.
All in all, this is a sad situation. What we have are two officers (one current, one former) who will do and say anything (true or not true) to make the current Administration look bad and themselves look good. Instead of working for their members and making a name for themselves that way, the right way, these two gems have decided to do it through lies and deceit. What a shame. The best thing to do is to ignore them; so far that is what they deserve.
Many of the readers of this blog probably are wondering why I am posting on it and not Manhattanville. Well I felt that this issue was one that needed some comment. So for better or worse, I did. I would like to thank Manhattanville for this opportunity. Much Thanks. I know I will probably be attacked for my words, but please remember one thing, the truth has a certain unmistakable ring to it, read what I wrote and then read what they write and decide which rings truer.
by Paulp521
(1), (2), and (3) all taken from
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