Sunday, December 4, 2016

Do we love our celebrities

December 4, 2016

The more trashier the celebrity is,  the more love she/he gains from the fans.

The more you lie, when you get caught lying, nowadays people overlook that, you become more accepting - despite of any religious teachings.

Everyone dreams to be rich, when a political candidate promises you - that you will be rich, to those who struggle financially, poor and workers who are on a paycheck to paycheck live  - tend to believe you, they will love you more. 

Especially if your opponent has shown the tendency to act as dignified and well heeled will be reviled and hated easily - one wonders why Hillary Clinton was hated? What has she done? Fighting for the kids to have health care coverage has been turned as a bad thing, fighting for women rights and advancement was considered a bad thing - the hate that was directed at the Clintons defy any moral standards.

When Trump said she belonged to jail, the poor cheered on - ‘lock her up’ why because you do not agree with her point of views. Especially when Trump, painted her as a Wall Street insider - which is not accurate however it was believed.

We believe the ‘white rage’ or ‘white revolution’  Trump succeeded to exploit the culture war with birther movement initially (President Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign born).

The first thing in the Trump campaign announcement was insulting Mexicans and promising to build a wall (it was surprising many cheered on) those who cheered on are considered good Christians - one wonders what their level of civility was - when they started to attack others who do not appear to be homogeneous. Trump offered to pay for their legal bills.

Trump promised to build a beautiful wall that will keep the Mexican rapist and criminals out, he was cheered on. One wonders, will that be a panacea for their financial misery - anyone with a reasonable SAT score knows the answer.

Then he insulted others republicans that also made him popular. The fact checkers revealed he lied the most his popularity sky rocketed. Why would one believe a false prophet - you can guess the answer to that.

Trump went on to insult the handicapped and disabled people - he was loved for that people cheered on. A rule of thumb handicapped and disabled are afforded a helping hand, but not by Trump supporters.

Trump said Muslims should be kicked out of American, he rose higher for that. The xenophobia that was displayed by Trump the candidate and his supporters defy logic, but rather inflamed and stoked the religious wars.

Trump insulted war heroes, prisoner of wars, even a gold star family was not spared of his insults. This prestigious group that deserves respect were defiled, one wonders about his supporters attitude towards those who serve the nation have become disposable and discarded.

At last it was revealed Trump is a sexual predator, a serial sexual predator - women were outraged despite that his popularity kept growing. Trump went further insulting their looks, at their old age - his supporters have shown why women are not believed in rape cases.

One wonders why Trump is so attractive to Americans? We believe it is the white counter revolution against President Barack Hussein Obama.

1 comment:

  1. Only question about Trump and celebrities that need to be answered is what about all the Celebrity's who said they'd move to another country if Trump won?
    Trump won so.......when ya leaving?
