Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hating, and halting, hate: Rise to condemn the rash of anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks since the Nov. 8 election

December 6, 2016

This has got to stop. Now.

The NYPD Monday reported 43 hate crimes citywide since the election, compared to 20 during the same period last year.

Among them: A bigot’s disgusting threat Saturday to kill an off-duty police officer clad in her hijab, the head-covering devout women wear.

“ISIS (expletive),” Christopher Nelson allegedly shouted as the New York native came to the aid of her teenage son, whom Nelson was said to be pushing around. “I will cut your throat.”

Then came a reported Monday-morning attack on an off-duty city transit worker, also wearing her hijab, on her way to work. According to the victim, a suspect called her a “terrorist,” followed her off the 7 train and pushed her down Grand Central Terminal stairs.

President-elect Donald Trump is not responsible for this flood of violent venom — not even if attackers are shouting his name, as three drunk men were doing Thursday when they called a woman on a 6 train a “terrorist” as they tried to rip off her hijab. The perpetrators are responsible.

But these crimes are happening in Trump’s lifelong home, a city that owes its success to immigrant-driven diversity. A loud condemnation from America’s most powerful New Yorker might make a difference. Let’s hear it.

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