Thursday, March 3, 2011


Since the mirage of the purchase of the property at 350 Schemerhorn is dead, nothing has been revealed by John Samuelsen. It is his duty to communicate all the costs that were incurred to the membership. The past excuse that there was no one in the financial secretary-treasurer position is no longer valid to withhold that information to the membership. The confidentiality clause would not suffice either thus the report must come at the earnest. We are not interested in the content of the reports, however, we are interested in how much those reports cost us since John Samuelsen with his TBOU will claim there is a confidentiality clause.
Lets discuss the confidentiality clause which is intended to protect the seller in the event that the content of those reports were released to the public and if they cause harm to the seller properties then he would seek to be made whole. However that does not give the seller the right to deny the membership of TWU Local 100 to know how much those reports cost. So John Samuelsen cannot use the confidentiality clause excuse infinitely and should reveal the numbers without any further delay.
The cost of those assessment test reports, engineering reports, asbestos test reports and numerous other test reports including the air quality test reports did not come freely - the numbers must be revealed. If those numbers are not revealed how much money of our hard earned dues was spent, and which companies or agencies performed those tests?
Whether there were legal charges, they too must be revealed - we are also aware that those figures may fall outside of purview of the current appointed financial secretary -treasurer. However as required by the bylaws of the Transport Workers Union of Greater New York Local 100, AFL-CIO article VI Financial Secretary-Treasurer‘...He shall deliver the original receipt...He shall the Executive Board the monies received and paid out and the balance remaining on deposit... this matter is serious enough for John Samuelsen to furnish those numbers promptly. There is no way around it - clearly for some period there was a vacant financial secretary-treasurer position that excuse is no longer valid now.
We will honor the excuse of the confidentiality clause which covers the content of the reports as related to the purchase the property. However that confidentiality does not cover how much those reports cost the membership - we would care less what was the content of those useless reports however we would like to know how much those reports cost us. Thus an accounting must be brought forward - we cannot move forward while the cost of those reports are not revealed - it only raises a huge red flag of misappropriating membership funds.

1 comment:

  1. How could attempting to find a building with building fund money be a misppropiation of funds? Silly.
    As far as I know, and your E-board members in your division should have made you aware: the search for a permanent home continues: 2 sites in Brooklyn are being considered. Neither of them 350 Schmerhhorn.
    Perhaps you should ask your e-board members why they did not keep you informed?
