On Thursday march 10, 2011 TWU Local 100 organized a town hall meeting at a very prestigious Riverdside Church in Manhattanville, New York under the moniker of is transportation a civil right? It was widely publicized. Now the analysis - first the attendees were mostly TWU Local 100 unionhall staff (Samuelsen yes men) with a handful of Local 100 who attended. Now the question is why did the membership not turn out to fill the venerable Riverside Church?
Two there were a handful of member from the general public - you can note that they were staffers to organizations who were speakers on the podium. Now the question is do those staffers as an audience represent the general public? The simple answer is no. Three Riverside Church is centrally located and it is accessible by public transportation and it is in Manhattanville.
Four TBOU lackey quipped (Samuelsen yes men) ‘I have extensive experience in these matters - I blame it on the rain’. Wow this TBOU lackey is blaming almighty god for low turn out (we believe this lackey will peddle this view to Samuelsen). Five majority of those unionhall staff (Samuelsen yes men) started to abandon ship in just after less than fifteen minutes - you wonder why they did not adhere to the Yankees fan principle of waiting till the seventh-inning stretch at Yankee Stadium where the renowned Irish tenor Ronan Tynan or Kate Smith sing ‘God Bless America’ then leave. It is obvious they have other important issues or maybe they have the pre approval from Samuelsen just to show face then leave or they do not believe in this event.
Six it is not clear whether those invited participants organizations are influential or are able to make a positive change in the governor office or the MTA to the benefit of the TWU Local 100 membership - perhaps you can chalk it to being out of touch or out of date acting in a manner of we are on our way out. Seven John Samuelsen must put all options on the table, especially the proven old way methods of confrontation.
In assessment of the above you realize that there is no mutuality of interest with the general public where they will come to aid us in our fight for our livelihood. Maybe in a Samuelsen Utopia society the other side of the equation is possible. However there is no benefit in cooperating with the MTA which is why the membership shunned this event.
Jeez..do you think a heavy rain aided or hindered people from coming? I noticed the low-turnout did not stop you from giving out your business cards to whomever you saw....campaigning for election in church must be some kind of sin, right?....question is did you get blisters from dishing out those cards so fast.....maybe from Devine intervention?...there was also a community microphone available for anyone who wished to use it...why didn't you object to the proceedings, then and there?....too busy smoozing potential voters?....ah Manhattanville better what a tangled web we weave.........