Friday, June 17, 2011

Personal day

We here in why did you join the union demand that the personal day be carried over to the following year instead of losing that day if not used by December 15th. In addition we demand four days instead of one. A TWU Local 100 member should be entitled to four (4) personal days per year.
TWU Local 100 members should be permitted to use two (2) days of personal leave annually for emergency purposes provided that two (2) hours’ notice is given except in the case of proven inability to furnish such notice instead of the current restriction that the notice be given 30 days ahead. In addition the personal day must supersede the established quotas of the vacation - a personal day should never be treated as AVA. It is a personal day - it is ridiculous that there is no personal day on holiday.
A TWU Local 100 member should be entitled to time off with pay to vote in New York City, New York State and Federal elections, if and when necessary in accordance with the New York State law. 

1 comment:

  1. You might be right about this: but my personal prefence is to be paid at the end of the year if I do not use it.
    As a long-time worker (27 years) I get 5 weeks vacation, 8 AVAs, OTO time, I can swap days, Holidays, Birthdays, I think I'm OK with cashing the AVAs in.
    I do however respect those with a different veiw.
