Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Transparent, not

You’d have to be a real sour puss to believe those John Samuelsen take backward our union pledges. Who wouldn’t want to see no givebacks? Who wouldn’t want to restore no layoff clause to the contract? It would have been easy to characterize anyone who objected to the idea of members deciding our contract. Members not arbitrators should decide our contract. As the world’s biggest Grinch - hater of all things fun and a general misanthrope - if John Samuelsen with his take backward our union had been more transparent back then we would have known what we didn’t back then.
John Samuelsen president of TWU Local 100 head of the take backward our union with TBOU’s plan was to simply move TWU Local 100 backwards - those pledges are defunct now after that the details get a little foggy. How has taking backwards our union rebuilt TWU Local 100? Is TWU Local 100 under John Samuelsen with TBOU take backward our union a strong powerful union? All these questions are those that the membership are waiting to have answered.
It is understandable that now the membership feel lied, cheated or deceived with those promises - now the membership are left in the dark. In any organization the leader of that organization serves its constituents - for example Manhattan Soccer Club serves it’s athletes, and their parents. But the way John Samuelsen with his take backward union has run TWU Local 100 is more about serving the needs of John Samuelsen with his take backward cronies than the membership.
And it is arguable whether the membership now realize how the funds are being moved to the general account so John Samuelsen with his take backward union can gnaw the amounts that were recently received - they are $1.3 million security deposit that was paid by the TWU Local 100 in 2006 in addition to a $250,000 money held in escrow. Both came in the form of a check and were both deposited into the building account. However John Samuelsen with his take backward the union cronies voted to transfer the monies to the general account so he can have a free hand.
John Samuelsen may not be footing the bill for TWU Local 100, but the membership will have to live with it and should be given a greater say in how it is handled. It is interesting to see that this is one to run TWU Local 100 from black to red. Clearly here John Samuelsen does not inspire the membership who is rather cautious. Clearly his next bid for office is gross. He claims his motives are pure but it doesn’t really matter, either way neither goal will be met if the membership doesn’t like it, or feel that he is taking away their membership dues. John Samuelsen with his take backward our union let us down in the 2010 layoffs now may be a repeat of letdown in the contract of 2012. 

1 comment:

  1. It is clear you have zero idea of what you speak of:
    take for instance the 1.3 million deposit:
    that money was taken out of the building fund WITHOUT ANY permission of the eboard by a former administration.
    You complain that it was being put into the genral fund WITH the approval of the eboard.
    So for you, it is better NOT to have approval than HAVE approval.
    I wonder if you will feel the same when your children borrow your car in the future?

    What you and a few others miss in this actions is this money is all th members money
    ALL of IT.
    the general Fund the building fund whatever fund.
    I guess you are off complaining about the solidarity fund and the haiti fund because you were proven WRONG again.
    So you are on to this fund.
    You did not raise a peep when $2 million was taken out for great adventure from the building fund without approval from anyone, yet when an approval is given, you have a probelm with it.
    Or when a whole lot more of the building fund was used WITHOUT enaord approval before this administration (in 2009) to pay for operating costs.
    That UNAPPROVED funding you ignore.
    Your selectivity is telling.
