Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Donald Trump supporter arrested with bomb in California after threatening Muslims 

Monday, December 21, 2015

This Donald Trump supporter's anti-Muslim plans blew up in his face.

William Celli, a 55-year-old California man, was arrested on Sunday afternoon after making explosives in his home and targeting a Muslim community, police said.

Richmond police evacuated his neighborhood on Sunday afternoon before sending a SWAT team in to search Celli's house, where they found a possible homemade bomb.

A Walnut Creek bomb squad detonated the device and found the bomb was a dud. Police busted him for possession of an explosive device and criminal threats.

Officers received a tip on Dec. 17 that Celli was making an explosive in his home.

On Celli's Facebook, the plumber wrote frequent statuses in support of Donald Trump, who proposed to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

"Donald trumps on again I'm happy leaders okay but this guys a great point man (sic)," Celli wrote in a grammatically incorrect rambling on Oct. 21. "I'll follow this MAN to the end of the world."

On Nov. 20, Celli claimed that "all these radicals" would get rid of Americans and then kill each other.

He criticized "progressive leaders" on Oct. 25 for inviting Syrian refugees into the U.S., spreading his fear that Muslims would kill all Americans.

"Kiss your Christian asses good bye. And all other non believers of the Koran (sic)," he wrote in another anti-Muslim rant.

Like Trump, Celli's hate wasn't only limited to Muslims he had rants on Hispanics too.

"And I've very unhappy to report we are getting invaded by tens of thoudands of illegals (sic)," he wrote in a post on June 13, 2014. He claimed to have lost 30% of his business, a plumbing company, to "Hispanics coming to my country under false pretenses."

Celli is the latest to land in hot water after going on an anti-Muslim tirade through social media. Miss Puerto Rico Destiny Velez faced backlash and was suspended indefinitely from the Miss America competition after firing off a series of anti-Muslim tweets over the weekend.

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