Straight run - a scheduled run with a swing of 59 minutes or less
Swing run - a scheduled run with a swing of one hour or more
Extra - scheduled work six hours or less
Boost - when the pay for a straight run is less than 8 hours, the time that is added to bring it to 8 hours is called boost
Report time - time paid at the beginning of a run to report for a run and do a pre trip inspection
Pull out time - the time it takes to get from depot to terminal
Pull in time - the time it takes to get from terminal to depot
Clear time - paid at end of run for turning in trip sheet
Relief - when an employee relieves another employee at a point away from the depot
Relief at depot - regular pull in
Travel time - the time it takes to get from depot to relief point
Standard - the total work time in a run
(report time + vehicle time+travel time+clear time)
Vehicle time - driving time in a run
(pull out+route time [including dead head] +pull in)
Headway allowance - the headway of the bus a bus operator takes to get to a relief point
Half time - premium pay in a run also in WDO’s, double ups and extras
Spread - the total time of a run from report to clear=work time+total swing
Paid swing - the paid portion of the swing - for swing runs first half