Monday, January 2, 2017

The hypocrisy of public-sector unions

Peter Quilici

Having once been a private sector union member, I cringe every time I hear public-sector union members refer to each other as “brother” and “sister” and then pontificate on how they are protecting workers everywhere. I am old enough to remember the silence from the public-sector unions when the private-sector workers lost their pensions and their unions bargained away everything except their right to unemployment checks. The union bosses merely walked over to the government workers and left the rest of us under the bus.

And now these public-sector unions are preparing the final blow in states like Illinois where they seem prepared to tax the rest of us into oblivion with help from their elected bosses. What reviles us most is that this perverse government worker and pay-to-play politician combine is referred to as a labor union. Plutocracy, oligarchy or kleptocracy? Probably. Labor union? Never.

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