Sunday, January 15, 2017

Will Trump's leadership style help people perform at their best? 

January 13, 2017

There are three basic leadership styles: directing, discussing, and delegating. President-elect Trump will be using each of these styles every day.

The best leaders use a style that fits the needs of the situation. Using an appropriate leadership style helps people learn, grow, become independent, and get things done.

Directing style: Tell them!

Trump knows how to be direct — “You're fired!” became his TV catchphrase.

Leaders who are direct tell the person what changes are needed and the specific steps he or she must take. Start with the big picture before launching into specifics. State clearly what you expect, how you expect it to be done, and when it's due.

The best leaders clearly define roles, responsibilities, and establish controls to monitor progress. They also explain why changes are needed and how the future will be better.

There is a fine line between being "too direct" and "not direct enough?" Some leaders lack the courage to be frank and direct when it comes to discussing difficult topics or the changes people must make. They tend to skirt around the issue and sugarcoat their message.

In some cases, leaders can be too direct and uncaring: "I didn't ask your opinion. Just do it and get the hell out of my office!"

Being direct doesn't imply being condescending or demeaning. The best leaders are always respectful and work from an adult-to-adult framework.

As a leader, are you clear and precise when giving instructions? Do you provide too many details or not enough details? When giving feedback are you too direct or not direct enough?

Discussing style: Ask questions and listen!

Over 2,000 years ago, Socrates realized that leading was more a matter of asking the right questions than providing answers. As President, Trump will ask questions that challenge current assumptions, methods, procedures, processes, and business models. He's not afraid to ask the difficult questions.

Trump faces a tough challenge: integrating a polarized country. It's important for him to keep meeting with opponents both formally and informally. He’ll need to listen to their ideas, concerns, and fears, and get to know each other on a personal level.

When using the discussing style, leaders ask provocative questions such as:

  • What can we do that's never been done before?
  • What new products and services should we offer?
  • What should we stop doing?
  • How can we leapfrog the competition?

Great discussions don't just happen. The better the questions, the better the discussion will be. It's important to prepare questions in advance. Start with general questions and then ask more specific ones.

Too much discussion can be as bad as too little discussion. Some leaders let the discussion go on and on and they never make decisions or get closure.

At the other extreme, some leaders cut off the discussion too soon and force decisions that not everyone buys into.

As a leader, what is your ratio of asking questions to making comments? Do your questions expand the options and possibilities? Are you willing to ask the difficult questions? Do you get closure as to who will take what actions by when?

Delegating Style: Empower people!

Trump understands the importance of delegation. He will empower his Cabinet members to make the changes that are required. When you delegate, the buck still stops with you. You're still accountable for any screw-ups.

All leaders set the bar high and express confidence in the employee's ability to get the job done. In addition, they hold people accountable for results. On bigger projects leaders need to get periodic updates from people to ensure appropriate progress is being made.

There is a fine line between over-delegating and under-delegating. Some leaders can't let go. They feel compelled to be directly involved in every decision. In other cases, some leaders over-delegate to their star performers and burn them out.

The delegating style works best with highly skilled and motivated people. Capable employees want the freedom and power to make their own decisions. Such independence promotes ownership and increases their motivation.

As a leader, do you affirm and empower people? Do you over-delegate or under-delegate? Do you hold people accountable? Do you take responsibility when things go wrong?

Key takeaway

1. Use a leadership style that fits the needs of the situation.

2. Identify one action you will take to improve your effectiveness when using each style.

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