Monday, February 6, 2017

College responds to Trump's order with refugee scholarship

Associated Press

BOSTON (AP) - A Massachusetts college has created a refugee scholarship in response to President Donald Trump's order on immigration and refugees and is calling on other colleges to do the same.

Wheaton College President Dennis Hanno says the scholarship announced Jan. 31 is meant to show that the college in Norton embraces its foreign-born community.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities says there are a number of scholarships and fellowships nationwide already offered to refugees and immigrants, but that Wheaton appears to be the first created in response to Trump's Jan. 27 order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

The U.S. government on Saturday suspended enforcement of the ban a day after a federal judge in Washington state temporarily blocked it.

1 comment:

  1. Typical elitist thinking, would rather give scholarships to foreigners than their own people. The question is when will Americans wake up to this scam?
