Monday, February 20, 2017

Most Say No to Higher Taxes For Infrastructure Projects

Rasmussen Reports
Monday, February 20, 2017

If President Trump moves ahead with a major federal plan to rebuild infrastructure in the United States, most Americans don't think they should have to pay any extra taxes to fund it.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 45% of American Adults are willing to pay more in taxes each year to upgrade and improve America's infrastructure, although that includes 14% who are only willing to pay $50 more per year and 15% who would agree to pay $100 more in taxes annually. Ten percent (10%) say they would be willing to pay an additional $250 in taxes each year for upgraded and improved infrastructure, and six percent (6%) are willing to pay an extra $500 or more annually.

But 52% draw the line at paying more, with 19% who are willing to pay nothing more in taxes each year and 33% who say new costs for upgrading and improving infrastructure should be offset by other spending cuts.

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