New employees are not paid first day sick until they reach their first anniversary. If they are placed on the sick abuse list or absentee control list they lose first day sick pay until they come off.
Employee must call in sick at least one hour before commencement of tour. If he fails to do so he is late sick - loss of pay for day. Sick forms must be turned in within three (3) days after return to work. If more than three (3) days then medical proof is required. No sick leave granted due to indulgence of alcohol.
Employee must give notice as to change of location if this cannot be done during time frame then it must be done when circumstances permit. If employee is not on sick abuse he/she does not have to call.
Employee must give notification at least one hour before return to work for any subsequent tour.
No sick leave granted for less than ¼ of a day.
Work 0 - 59 minutes charged 1 full day.
Work 1 hour to 2 hours 59 minutes charged ¾ day.
Work 3 hours to 4 hours 59 minutes charged ½ day.
Work 5 hours or more charged ¼ day.
If you work first half of run meal period then it is considered work time for computing time worked. No sick leave granted if you are unfit for work because of an accident/injury incurred while working for another employer.