Thursday, August 21, 2014

Work Shoes

If an employee reports to work wearing shoes that management deems unacceptable, management will notify the local Union representative in the first instance.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


If an employee is shifted from their picked location for a period of more than two (2) months, then it shall be classified as a permanent move.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Civil Service Examination

No permanent employee of the Transit Authority shall lose pay for time attending a promotion examination for a City Civil Service title which appears on the payroll of the Transit Authority.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Miscellaneous Agreements

The frozen Scheduling group will remain open and subject to picking at annual General picks.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Employees shall be provided, without cost to themselves, with such tools as may be authorized by the Head of the Department, subject to the approval of the Authority.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Preference Status

Employees appointed after December 15, 1945 shall have system-wide preference status in the titles to which they were appointed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The Authority shall increase the quota of employees on vacation from an equal number of employees off on each week of the year to 10% above that number during the weeks including May 1 to September 30; and the weeks of Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving and Easter.

Monday, August 11, 2014


Employees who for any reason fail to exercise their picking rights shall be assigned.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sick Leave

No sick leave will be granted to an employee who is unfit for work on account of an accident incurred while working for an employer other than the Transit Authority.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sick Leave

Each department must furnish daily to Absentee Control a list of all employees who are on the sick leave Control List and have reported sick.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Agency shop fee

The Authorities shall deduct weekly an agency shop fee from the wages of each employee who has been an employee for more than thirty days and who is not a member of the Union, in the same manner and in the same amount as Union dues are deducted pursuant to the Union dues deduction authorization.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Unused vacation days in excess of five (5), not used and remaining at the end of the year will be forfeited.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Outdoor Clothing

The Authority will provide outdoor clothing for employees whose job functions require that they work outdoors.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Miscellaneous Agreements

When the Authority performs a procedure study, a union representative may be present on paid release time.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Preference Status

For provisional promotion a single eligible list for the entire system will be established in each bureau for each class of work in the title.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Employees in each class of work in each of the separate units shall be entitled to preferences, as among themselves, in vacation picks and any other picks which may be permitted in such unit, in accordance with their preference status.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Line Picks

Line picks of runs and tricks will be conducted whenever a change is made in the schedules for that particular line.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Any permanent bus operator who is involuntarily transferred from his/her picked depot will suffer no loss of work.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Safety Equipment

Employees shall be provided, without cost to themselves, with such safety equipment as may be authorized by the Head of the Department.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


If on the day of an actual pick an employee has been absent from duty for more than 30 days except for military leave, vacation or jury duty immediately prior to the pick date, then that employee will not be eligible to pick.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Articulated Bus Differential

Bus Operators will be paid a $0.25 per hour differential exclusively while operating an articulated bus in passenger service.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

New run

When a new run or work schedule is prepared, a copy thereof shall be given to the Union.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Notice of return to work

In order to achieve operating efficiency, employees must give their respective crew assignment office a minimum of three hours notice of return to work after sick absence.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Single Day Vacations

Employees will not choose a week during the annual vacation pick in which to take unused single days.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Universal Passes

All new hourly employees hired into both MaBSTOA and the TA will be issued a universal pass exclusively.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Line Training

Operators will not be provided with line training on routes which they have previously driven unless the line has undergone major revisions.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


All employees who are required to work overtime two (2) or more hours shall receive three dollars ($3) for supper.

Friday, June 27, 2014

General Picks

The extent and method of picking jobs within a classification in a department will, if possible, be mutually arrived at between the Head of the department and the Union grievance representative of the employees in the group affected.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Extra List

When early runs are not available for all of the operators who had early runs in the old schedule, then those who cannot be given early runs on the new schedule shall be assigned to the extra list.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Night Duty

In making assignments to night duty, except where such assignments are rotated, those to be assigned will be the employees in the particular unit where night duty is required who have the lowest preference status and are familiar with and are qualified for the work which is to be done at night.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Required overtime will be spread fairly among the employees qualified for the work to be done.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Employees picking off their tours, on vacation or on their day off, will participate on their own time.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Instruction Allowance II

Operators picking the extra board or vacation relief will be allowed to take one round trip on all depot routes which they have not previously driven at time and one half.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Instruction Allowance I

Operators picking routes which they have not previously driven will be allowed to take one round trip on the picked route at time and one half.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Operators on swings must report for the second parts of their runs not later than the time specified on the schedules.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Cross-bidding on job vacancies within the collective bargaining unit will not be a matter of right where the vacancy is in a job classification carrying the same or a lower rate or progression rate as that occupied by the person seeking to bid into the job vacancy.

Monday, June 16, 2014


When a new run or work schedule is prepared, a copy thereof shall be given to the Union as soon as possible, and in no event less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set forth on the schedule as the date on which it will be posted for pick.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Discontinued Line

When a line is discontinued, operators losing runs as a result thereof shall be placed on the extra list and arrangements made for a depot pick which shall commence not later than forty-eight (48) hours from the date of discontinuance of the line.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Picks of Runs

If during an interval between picks, a regular run becomes open, it shall be assigned to the extra operator who has highest preference status. He/she shall hold the run until the next line, depot or system pick.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Core Jobs II

All flat rate times assume that the bus is in position, parts are at the bus and any special tools and equipment are available.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Core Jobs I

Core jobs will be performed in accordance with the times which have already been established by the Work Procedure Review Team, excluding the sixteen (16) core jobs established without TWU participation which will be at “flat rate times.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

Instructions III

Any employee ordered to attend schooling or instructions outside of, and in addition to, his/her regularly scheduled working hours on any day shall be allowed for such attendance time and one-half at his/ her regular rate of pay.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Instructions II

Employees attending Line Equipment School shall be paid straight time for such attendance.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Instructions I

Employees attending classes voluntarily for their own benefit will do so on their own time without pay.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Motor Vehicle Test

All employees who are required to take a Motor Vehicle Test shall be paid at straight time for the loss of time involved.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Any permanent bus operator who is involuntarily transferred will suffer no loss of work.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Employees transferring to or promoted to a position in a new work location during the vacation year shall be subject to reselection of their vacation so that it is in conformance with vacation quotas in the new storeroom.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Vacation Allowance

The annual vacation allowance will not be accruable and will not be carried over from one year to another except upon the approval of the Transit Authority.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Run or Trick

If a run or trick in any classification of work is left open for any reason, it will be put up for bid within one (1) week, shall be advertised for five (5) days and will be awarded within five (5) days after the close of the advertisement.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Picks will be put into effect not more than four (4) weeks after they have been completed.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Reporting III

The time between the two (2) points shall be considered as actual working time.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Reporting II

Whenever an employee shall clear at a point other than that at which he/she reported, he/she shall be paid for the time required for him/her to return to his/her reporting point.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Reporting I

Employees shall clear at the end of their day’s work at the same point at which they reported for work, such point to be designated by their superiors.

Monday, May 19, 2014


The Union acknowledges that management might deem it necessary to transfer employees to meet the needs of service. 

Friday, May 16, 2014


In order to provide adequate opportunities for employees who opt to take a week or two weeks of vacation in single days to take such days off, a minimum daily quota for single day vacations, AVA days, and personal days will be established in each depot equal to one and a half percent of the total number of operators assigned to the depot.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Any employee ordered to attend schooling or instructions outside of, and in addition to, his/her regularly scheduled working hours on any day shall be allowed for such attendance time and one-half at his/her regular rate of pay.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


For specials any operator, whether he/she has a regularly assigned run or not, will be paid, including any overtime and all other allowances, a minimum of four (4) hours pay at his/her regular rate.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Day Off

An employee’s day off, if it comes between two (2) scheduled tours of duty which are thirty-two (32) hours or more apart, will commence eight (8) hours after the time scheduled for the completion of his/her last previous tour of duty and will continue for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Stand Time

Stand time of three (3) minutes or more shall be provided for all runs at terminals to arrange for service to be sent out of terminals on time and to afford operators an opportunity for personal relief if necessary.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


It is welcoming that we got our contract. Why 11% instead of 8% just to refresh the memories of our fellow co workers. The last year (2011) of the previous contract our former boss Jay H Walder (union buster) refused to pay, went to court asking to deny our raise for the last year of the previous contract.

John Samuelsen stood up to him and we won in court, 3% for 2011. Even though that previous contract was negotiated by Atlanta cabbie - that 3% was won by 
John Samuelsen. Now if we add 3+8=11. As ever our fellow co workers fail to read the small print especially those who have the knee jerk reaction.

The reality is inflation is rising and John Samuelsen delivered the raise to cope with the inflation. As we all know the prices do not freeze therefore this raise was the right thing. John Samuelsen demonstrated that TWU Local 100 workers are not weak, and he has a long term plan for his fellow co workers.

 The cost of living standard is on the rise. Clearly he has long term vision. You can rely on him since he has stood up to our employer, and he has a plan for a better future for TWU Local 100.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Reporting Regulations

An operator holding or assigned in advance to a regular run must report for work not later than the reporting time specified in the schedule.

Monday, May 5, 2014


In order to provide adequate opportunities for employees who opt to take a week of vacation in single days to take such days off, a minimum daily quota for single day vacations, AVA days, and personal days will be established in each depot equal to one percent (1%) of the total number of operators assigned to the depot. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

John Samuelsen IV

John Samuelsen has strived hard to earn his fellow co workers’ trust, and we say you have earned it with this contract. He has achieved it not as a figure head of an organization but as an individual who has served his fellow co workers with humility and decency.

There is no question it is a change from the days of the Atlanta cabbie who growled, barked and marked anyone who has a different view as enemy.

There is no question John Samuelsen is committed and studious to his duties - it does not matter if it is early, middle or late at night because he has never ever faltered. He has done his duties in a stable manner even when the sand shifts under him. He has been a permanent bracing of TWU Local 100 against the storms, grounding us in certainty. We are truly grateful of how he handles our interests. 

For those who have different views, John Samuelsen has shown us how he has extended his hand of friendship like no other - for that he has respect from us as well as all his fellow co workers.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

John Samuelsen III

Now the dust has settled down, and the contract has happened because of the commitment that was made by John Samuelsen as well as the raise which will benefit us all. Is it possible that we could get more, as the idiom says ‘a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush)’.

Surprisingly our co workers do not ‘have a memory like an elephant’, just to refresh your memory - remember Jay H Walder with his ‘net zeros’? He stiff armed everyone, and he laid off 1,000 of us.

What did John Samuelsen do? He fought back, and got all of the laid back fellow co workers back on the payroll. He got us a raise that will be going your way. Think about John Samuelsen and his dedicated service to his fellow co workers - can anyone who is reasonable think this contract is wrong? We have weathered spiral downward economy and we believe we have come out exceptionally well.

We are aware of those who are unreasonable with their knee jerk reaction and who think that they have a panacea in reality have nothing to offer.

John Samuelsen has modernized  and updated TWU Local 100, he has made it to be relevant as it ever has been, and he has made the right decision with this contract. Would you rather have someone who thrives on perpetual infighting such as the Atlanta cabbie?

Who has brought TWU Local 100 together? Who symbolizes that unity is far better? John Samuelsen does not act like ‘here today gone tomorrow’ president. We are united behind our president.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

John Samuelsen II

You have heard many versions of why our former Union hall (80 West End Avenue) was sold - simply put it that was a despicable and deplorable act of denying your fellow co workers and the membership their rightful home.

We will not go into the details of that sale transaction which was murky, clearly all of you have many questions which are still unanswered (if you need answers - fly to Atlanta and ask the cabbie there and give him a handsome tip, he may answer your questions, but as the idiom say ‘a leopard can’t change its spots’ he may bark or growl at you!).

Now the membership enjoys their own Union hall at 195 Montague Street with many functions that is remarkable. Getting to 195 Montague Street was an arduous task John Samuelsen took that task, he knew that his fellow co workers need a home.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

John Samuelsen I

Prior to John Samuelsen taking the leadership of Transport Workers Union, Local 100, there were no scholarships granted to children of the membership. 

It is a fact members were struggling with their children’s college tuition. As we now know college is a costly endeavor. There are expenses such as dormitory, nutrition, books, laundry etc. The list of costs is endless. 

There is no question that members aspire for their children to advance in ascending the economy ladder in the future. We wish all members that may their dreams come true.

John Samuelsen realized that his fellow co workers need a helping hand - he worked hard to create the scholarship fund which now aids the membership. It was the right thing and he did it. Therefore he deserves acknowledgement, praise and cheer. It clearly indicates that he is not selfish which shows that he wishes well to all the membership. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


When employees are required to report for schooling or for instructions concerning their duties or functions, they shall be allowed their regular rate of pay for all time spent receiving such instructions.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Shoe Benefit

The Authority will provide one pair of approved shoes or boots annually or two pairs of shoes or boots every two years at no cost to employees.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


An employee absent because of disability which he/she claims to be service-connected and who has accrued sick leave or vacation time will, on request, be granted eight hours pay for each work day absent beginning with the eleventh consecutive work day of absence.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Line Discontinued

When a line is discontinued, operators losing runs as a result thereof shall be placed on the extra list and arrangements made for a depot pick which shall commence not later than forty-eight (48) hours from the date of discontinuance of the line.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Emergency Work

In cases where overtime work in excess of four (4) hours immediately following a scheduled tour of duty is to be treated as “emergency work”, the first meal allowance will come after the expiration of the first four (4) hours of overtime and the employee will be entitled to another meal allowance for every (5) hours of work thereafter.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Snow II

Operators held in reserve for snow work shall be paid at their regular rate of pay for the time so held before being put to work, except that when an operator is so held after the completion of a regular run he/she will be paid at one and one-half times his/her regular rate of pay for the time so held.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Snow I

Operators working on snow equipment, including plows, and sand or salt spreaders or performing miscellaneous snow work, such as shoveling snow, etc., shall be paid for such work at the rate of time and one-half at their regular rate of pay for all such work, either within or outside their regular working time. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The working time of all regular runs and regular tricks shall be fixed by schedule. These schedules for a regular run, (but not a regular trick) shall allow as part of such regular run, a “reporting/pre-trip inspections/clearing allowance of fifteen (15) minutes, with ten (10) minutes allocated for reporting and pre-trip inspections and five (5) minutes for clearing, which shall be included as working time of such regular run.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jury Duty

When it is necessary for an employee to absent himself/herself from any part of his/her work in order to qualify for jury duty, he/she will be granted leave of absence with pay for such length of time as may be necessary for that purpose, not exceeding, however, four (4) hours.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reporting Late

An Operator reporting late because of an unusual interruption of service shall suffer no loss of pay for time lost on that account, provided such interruption of service, as the cause of his/her lateness, is established to the satisfaction of his/her superior.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lunch Period

On swing runs or tricks no lunch period with pay will be allowed unless the operator is assigned to work more than six (6) consecutive hours before or after the swing. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Employee Facilities

Employee facilities are defined as toilets, washrooms, lunchrooms, crew rooms and towers.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Part-Time Operators

Employees hired as part-time operators shall be recognized as union members subject to dues check off provisions.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Extra Operator

An extra operator is an operator who, because of his/her preference status, has been unable to pick and is not regularly assigned to any regular run or regular trick of his/her own and is assigned only to such work as may be available.

Friday, April 4, 2014


All employees shall be permitted to schedule one (1) week of vacation in single days at the vacation pick, or to bank a week of vacations to be used in single days, as requested during the year.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sick Leave

For any day on which sick leave with pay is granted to an employee, the pay to be allowed him/her shall be the same as if he/she had worked in accordance with his/her regular work schedule for that particular day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


An employee, in service thirty (30) days or more, whose regular day off occurs on a holiday may elect to receive credit for an AVA day rather than eight (8) hours holiday pay.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


An employee shall have the option of requesting and obtaining eight (8) hours pay in cash at his/her regular straight time rate for any AVA days he/she has accumulated.

Monday, March 31, 2014


At least two (2) days rest, without pay, during the calendar or payroll week shall be allowed to each employee.

Friday, March 28, 2014


An employee appointed to a Division other than the Division of his/her choice, will be given one (1) opportunity to return to the division of his/her choice when a vacancy occurs in the Division.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Provisional Employees

Provisional employees shall receive wage rates applicable to permanent employees after one year of service in a provisional status, even though they retain their provisional status. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The annual vacation allowance will not be accruable and will not be carried over from one year to another except upon the approval of the Transit Authority.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jury Duty

An employee whose Jury Service Fees are in excess of his/her regular base earnings for the period of absence while on Jury Duty, will have such excess reimbursed to him/her.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Operators picking routes which they have not previously driven will be allowed to take one round trip on the picked route at time and one half.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sick leave

No sick leave with pay will be granted for less than one-quarter of a day at a time.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Single Day Vacations

Employees will be given the opportunity to take either one or two weeks of their vacation allowance in single days.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lunch Period

Employees who are not required to eat lunch in the job will be allowed a thirty (30) minute lunch period within their working hours and without deduction of pay on every day when their actual working time exceeds six (6) hours.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hourly paid employees may be paid for their vacations in advance.

Monday, March 17, 2014


The Authority shall increase the quota of employees on vacation from an equal number of employees off on each week of the year to 10% above that number during the weeks including May 1 to September 30; and the weeks of Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving and Easter.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Enjoy the garbage

MTA supervisor on track for punishment for toting trash on passenger subway trains

Orange bags of garbage are piled high in a subway car. The MTA has been using passenger cars to transport garbage between stations late at night.

Trash bags are piled on a 6 train, being transported between stations. The MTA is disciplining the supervisor responsible for the incident.

A subway supervisor is getting trashed for using a subway train with passengers to move garbage picked up by a cleaning crew.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is taking disciplinary action against the work gang supervisor and is giving other staffers a refresher via a memo on the proper ways to handle and dispose of refuse, the agency said.
"We can't state strongly enough that refuse is absolutely not to be stored or transported on passenger trains," the agency said.
MTA spokesman Charles Seaton wouldn't identify the supervisor or the discipline he's facing.
The agency launched an investigation in response to Daily News inquiries about bags of garbage on trains last week. A photograph shows bags piled at one end of a No.6 train car.
The garbage was collected from the tracks at the 59th St. station, the agency said. It should have been carried to the street for pickup by an MTA truck, Seaton said.
Apparently to save time, the supervisor directed that the trash be moved by train to a storage area adjacent to a platform at the 42nd St. station, where a work train makes regular stops.
"This was not done with the knowledge or acquiescence of any senior manager," Seaton said. "This is a complete no-no."
A transit worker told The News that he's seen leaking, stinking bags of garbage on trains, to the disgust of passengers.
The authority uses eight flatbed trains and a small fleet of trucks to collect about 90,000 tons of trash from stations every day.
Using passenger trains to move garbage is not widespread but does happen from time to time, said Marvin Holland of Transport Workers Union Local 100. "I have seen supervisors order cleaners to place garbage bags on passenger trains for transportation to a storage facility," Holland said. "It's a health and safety issue for passengers, and our members will not do it unless specifically ordered by supervision."