Monday, March 31, 2014


At least two (2) days rest, without pay, during the calendar or payroll week shall be allowed to each employee.

Friday, March 28, 2014


An employee appointed to a Division other than the Division of his/her choice, will be given one (1) opportunity to return to the division of his/her choice when a vacancy occurs in the Division.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Provisional Employees

Provisional employees shall receive wage rates applicable to permanent employees after one year of service in a provisional status, even though they retain their provisional status. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The annual vacation allowance will not be accruable and will not be carried over from one year to another except upon the approval of the Transit Authority.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jury Duty

An employee whose Jury Service Fees are in excess of his/her regular base earnings for the period of absence while on Jury Duty, will have such excess reimbursed to him/her.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Operators picking routes which they have not previously driven will be allowed to take one round trip on the picked route at time and one half.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sick leave

No sick leave with pay will be granted for less than one-quarter of a day at a time.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Single Day Vacations

Employees will be given the opportunity to take either one or two weeks of their vacation allowance in single days.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lunch Period

Employees who are not required to eat lunch in the job will be allowed a thirty (30) minute lunch period within their working hours and without deduction of pay on every day when their actual working time exceeds six (6) hours.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hourly paid employees may be paid for their vacations in advance.

Monday, March 17, 2014


The Authority shall increase the quota of employees on vacation from an equal number of employees off on each week of the year to 10% above that number during the weeks including May 1 to September 30; and the weeks of Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving and Easter.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Enjoy the garbage

MTA supervisor on track for punishment for toting trash on passenger subway trains

Orange bags of garbage are piled high in a subway car. The MTA has been using passenger cars to transport garbage between stations late at night.

Trash bags are piled on a 6 train, being transported between stations. The MTA is disciplining the supervisor responsible for the incident.

A subway supervisor is getting trashed for using a subway train with passengers to move garbage picked up by a cleaning crew.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is taking disciplinary action against the work gang supervisor and is giving other staffers a refresher via a memo on the proper ways to handle and dispose of refuse, the agency said.
"We can't state strongly enough that refuse is absolutely not to be stored or transported on passenger trains," the agency said.
MTA spokesman Charles Seaton wouldn't identify the supervisor or the discipline he's facing.
The agency launched an investigation in response to Daily News inquiries about bags of garbage on trains last week. A photograph shows bags piled at one end of a No.6 train car.
The garbage was collected from the tracks at the 59th St. station, the agency said. It should have been carried to the street for pickup by an MTA truck, Seaton said.
Apparently to save time, the supervisor directed that the trash be moved by train to a storage area adjacent to a platform at the 42nd St. station, where a work train makes regular stops.
"This was not done with the knowledge or acquiescence of any senior manager," Seaton said. "This is a complete no-no."
A transit worker told The News that he's seen leaking, stinking bags of garbage on trains, to the disgust of passengers.
The authority uses eight flatbed trains and a small fleet of trucks to collect about 90,000 tons of trash from stations every day.
Using passenger trains to move garbage is not widespread but does happen from time to time, said Marvin Holland of Transport Workers Union Local 100. "I have seen supervisors order cleaners to place garbage bags on passenger trains for transportation to a storage facility," Holland said. "It's a health and safety issue for passengers, and our members will not do it unless specifically ordered by supervision."