By William Barber II
August 29, 2017
This Labor
Day, tens of thousands of men and women are rising up in Chicago and cities
from coast to coast to demand that everyone in America have the right to
organize and join a union.
I’m proud
to stand with them, because their fight is central to the battle against
poverty, racism, and inequality.
Earlier this year I announced an effort by faith and moral leaders
to carry forward Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of a Poor People’s
Campaign. We are working across twenty-five states to alleviate the triad
forces of poverty, militarism, and racism that Dr. King knew were poisoning our
country then and still threaten us today.
The first
Poor People’s Campaign was launched by Dr. King less than a year before his
death. His goal was to unite people from all backgrounds and races to confront
the politicians who rigged the system against them. In pursuit of that vision,
Dr. King traveled to Memphis in April 1968 and joined local sanitation workers
fighting for their union rights – where he was assassinated.
Dr. King
understood that with a union, the sanitation workers could win better pay,
alleviate horrific working conditions, and secure better lives for their
families. The fight for union rights was central to his conception of a Poor
People’s Campaign – and it will be to our effort as well.
Unions can
lift families out of poverty and give working people the power to combat
systemic racism and injustice.
For many
black Americans, public sector unions were the traditional path into the
middle-class. black union workers earn $24/hour compared to an average of
$17.78/hour for people without a union, and they’re more likely to have crucial
benefits like health care.
However, years of attacks on unions and the right to organize by
corporations and the politicians they support have led to a loss of bargaining
power, wages, and wealth for workers.
Researchers at Harvard found that reductions in union jobs accounts
for 33 percent inequality among men, and 40 percent among women since the early
The losses cut across racial lines, but black
workers have been hardest hit. Since 1983, the percentage of black workers in a
union has declined 55.2 percent, compared to 43.6 percent
for white workers. It’s no wonder that that more than halfof
black working people make less than $15/hour.
Coming together in unions gives workers more than just
bargaining power. It gives them political power to defend against attacks on
everything from healthcare to voting rights by a reactionary White House.
Unions helped lead the fight to pass the Affordable Care Act
that extended health care to more than 20 million Americans, and have been at
the forefront of the fight to block attempts by Congress and the Administration
to gut it.
Unions give workers the power to fight for living wages on a
mass scale. Union and nonunion workers fighting for $15/hour and the right to
organize have won raises for another 20 million workers, and set 10 million on
the road to a living wage of $15.
When working people stand together in unions, they can achieve
incredible things.
Recently, Pope Francis called labor unions “prophetic” institutions
which provide “a voice to those who have none.”
He’s right. The fight for union rights is a fight against
poverty and inequality, and the Bible is clear about both. There are 2,000
scriptures in the Bible that address poverty, and Jesus’s ministry started with
the poor and those oppressed by the state.
Today, working men and women across the nation are banding
together to say that America needs unions. They’re fighting right-wing
governors and legislators who have rolled back minimum wage increases from
Birmingham to Kansas City, and who are trying to make it harder for workers to
And they’re telling the politicians who have allowed or enabled
attacks on unions that they must choose whether to stand with working people or
with the powerful corporations and interests that hold down working people of
all colors and creeds.
The New Poor People’s Campaign will join them in their fight.