Friday, July 16, 2010


A laid off bus operator and station agent were observing why president Samuelsen and the current leadership at the TWU Local 100 would go along with the employer to cover up the overtime work?

They are aware that their work has been taken away by being laid off thus why would Samuelsen and the current leadership act like scabs?

1 comment:

  1. Well it is not like they can force people not to work overtime. I have heard them ask people not to and remind them that if no one worked voluntary OT that it would force the Authority to rehire some of the people. Any form of forcing people not to work OT is a violation of the Taylor law.
    I know some of the laid off and THEY used to work overtime, too. You could argue that they were keeping people unemployed who were waiting to get called.
    Some of the people working OT are near retirement and that RDO they work is worth a lifetime of pension payments to them. The value of the RDO is much higher than the pay.
    So to answer your question the union can't violate the Taylor Law and it would hurt the members that remain more than it seems at first glance.

    Calling the leadship scabs in this case is uncalled for and inaccurate.
