Thursday, August 26, 2010

Putting the membership back into Local 100

Since Samuelsen and his TBOU chums took office they have claimed that democracy and transparency is their corner stone, and that Local 100 has made ‘historic gains’. The TBOU won the four local-wide positions and 4 of the 7 VP spots, this all has enabled Samuelsen’s to hijack complete control of the policy making apparatus. 
Samuelsen and his TBOU cronies, painted and portrayed unimaginable and unrealistic achievements, and it was an exciting and wonderful ride while it lasted. But with lay off results, Samuelsen and his propaganda machine claims came crashing to the ground. Samuelsen and his TBOU comrades fantasies went up in smoke. The miracle  was no more. The belief that Samuelsen’s democracy and transparency was a panacea for the rank and file was no longer sustainable.
Samuelsen propaganda machine has gone around for the past eight months singing praises of his fake and phony democracy.  People that brag that they’re great, often do this because they really doubt themselves. Samuelsen’s propaganda machine know what they are doing is not helpful for the membership. They don’t care if it harms the membership as long as it it benefits them because they only care about their own well being. They are creating a facade of a great reputation on the outside but on the inside they have nothing to offer the membership. 
Enough is enough Samuelsen and TBOU needs to be held accountable for their lack of concern and effort for the membership’s well being. All decision-making power is vested in the president Samuelsen, however there is no accountability on his part. Samuelsen’s version of control means that the rank and file have no voice. The shell of the executive board is dominated by Samuelsen’s buddies. If anything went wrong the membership would know who to hold accountable, not the faceless executive board, but Samuelsen himself.
The executive board and council approves of whatever Samuelsen wants while at the same time neglecting what the membership needs. The memberships requires changes which can eradicate having to endure petty and abusive supervisors. However the employer disciplinary machine continues to roll on unabated, unchallenged, and undiminished.
Samuelsen’s propaganda machine narrative is ending on a sour note. This is obvious  when the employer is auditing family members for health benefits. All of Samuelsen’s propaganda machine portrayals of helping out the membership are meaningless, fake and phony.
Samuelsen and his TBOU pals responded to the new situation not by accepting responsibility and accountability, but by denying the facts, they still insist on the ‘historic gains’ of democracy and transparency being intact. The larger story is this Samuelsen’s control does not benefit the membership but in fact it puts them in harms way.

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