Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Maybe Jay H Walder will contribute his first year salary which is expected to be over $2 million at the Hong Kong-based MTR Corporation to the TWU Local 100 to atone for his unethical layoff of 2010 which has caused misery to the members of TWU Local 100. Every sacred writing teaches us to live and let live, the golden rule of ethic of reciprocity is the ethical code that essentially states the following - ‘one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself’. We here in why did you join the union believe that every parent teaches those above ethical principles to their children. Now coming to the layoff of 2010 for the members of TWU Local 100 it reminded us of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Infamy Speech that was delivered to a joint session of Congress, one day after the Empire of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii. The TWU Local 100 layoff of 2010 is a year which will live in infamy in our view.
Now one wonders if Jay H Walder will atone for his unethical decision that has caused misery in the lives of TWU Local 100 members. Now as he will embark on his new position overseas maybe he will reflect on his heinous decision. It is the TWU Local 100 that gave him the prestige, and status that elevated his standing to where he is now reaping the benefits in millions. Based on that Jay H Walder should giveback his whole remuneration package of the first year to the benefit of TWU Local 100 members who were affected by his unethical decision.
It is not only the TWU Local 100 members lives that were affected by his unethical decision but rather the great damage was done to the families of those members. The more you listen to the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt the more that speech represents our thoughts against Jay H Walder. 
Maybe the conscious in Jay H Walder would come to realization in the destruction that he has caused on the lives of TWU Local 100 members for the rest of his life - he broke all common good of decency. Jay H Walder’s unethical layoff decision against TWU Local 100 members will haunt him forever - clearly there is no hope in his conscious of that misery that he has caused. Maybe his mind is lost or his mind has failed the common decency - he forgot that TWU Local 100 members have desires like of everyone else in the world to move up. They want what everybody else does in addition they are willing to work for it.

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