Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bad standing III

There is a firestorm that has engulfed TWU International and TWU Local 100 in our ability to police ourselves as well as our ability to respond. It is obvious there is no moral courage from the current leadership in their ability to respond or to relinquish from those forty one (41) the office they are holding thus sending a wrong message to everyone thus it warranted a judicial intervention. It is obvious those current officers, the ‘forty one (41)’ are selfish due to their inability to think above all how they have dragged down TWU Local 100 for those observing or watching this institute. However the problem is not one sided, the other side of the coin is the inability of the current leadership to get to the bottom of this bad standing issue by prosecuting those who are guilty.
We are sure the membership is showing incredible courage, bravery and strength. They do not condone those current officers who were guilty of bad standing to hold office. Maybe the leadership should pay tribute to the membership’s bravery.
It is an insult to the membership that those ‘forty one (41)’ are still in their posts - it should be made clear that they should resign. In addition there is a need to a root and branch change at this entire organization of TWU Local 100 - we think it is becoming increasingly clear that the current leadership in the International and TWU Local 100 tried to sweep this matter under the rug. What happened here is disgraceful and should be addressed at every level they should stop thinking of other endeavors when they have to sort out the mess they have created. Why allow those ‘forty one (41)’ to hold office? It should be revealed why their bad standing was overlooked - or will they claim they had assurances they were not aware, they did not know they were in bad standing.
Will the current leadership be wise enough to let ‘forty one (41)’ go? When such a serious cloud hangs over TWU International and TWU Local 100 one wonders what other abuses and systematic patterns of deceit we have seen. We hope the membership speaks with one voice that the current leadership should recognize that the world has changed and they should listen to the membership - no reasonable person would argue with that point of view.
TWU International and TWU Local 100 does have a duty to act at all times within the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 LMRDA, TWU Constitution TWUC, and the Local By-Laws, they have to obey all aspects of those. However they did not make sure those seeking any office were fit and proper. We must demonstrate as an organization how we do obey the LMRDA, TWUC and Local By-Laws. We must send a clear message to everyone that with this bad standing issue that we will get on with cleaning our stables. 

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