Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dropped ball

That was the call of duty, however the results have forced a new reality upon us. One wonders why the elections of 2010 have showed poor returns for the democrats thus emboldening the republicans with taking over the house. Clearly they are itching for a fight before even getting into the house. However we wonder what went wrong and why our labor movement was not up to the task?
Instead of ‘demanding good jobs and an economy that works for all Americans’ we are faced with threats of pay freezes and job cuts from the republicans. We here in why did you join the union believe it is time for the infusion of new and energetic blood. The current leadership has failed the blue collar workers and the future is uncertain especially with the republicans beating the drums of war against the blue collar and unions.
We cannot go forward and make believe that nothing has happened because the future holds hostilities towards our pay, work rules, health care benefits and pensions. Thus it has warranted a review of our dismal performance and we should take a hard look at ourselves. We here in why did you join the union feel that some members of the leadership have shortchanged the membership and therefore those empty suits must be antagonized.
Well we know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to believe nothing has happened is wrong and living in a class bubble will suggest we have to accept failures and the thought of that is vile. As we move forward we imagine Local 100 to be like an automobile, if some parts of the engine are not functioning then they must be removed, discarded and replaced with new parts that will function well because we have to think about tomorrow. It is Samuelsen’s duty to take those empty suits to task for their shortcomings on the bread and butter of the membership and we will not shy away from confrontation to the benefit of the membership. That should be Samuelsen’s job and goal for the members of Local 100. We will not accept mediocre performance while the membership livelihood is at stake.

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