Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter driving

We understand that winter is the most difficult driving time because you have to deal with snow, ice and fewer hours of daylight. However it is always good to practice safe driving. The following advice can make it easier as well as safer to drive during the winter.
Adjust space to conditions especially on the right side but don't be close to the snow banks because you might get stuck. Don't give too much space allowing for other cars to squeeze in. Also watch out for the sanitation snowplows, as well as salt and sand trucks. Remember to always give them plenty of room.
If you are pulling out generally the heat will take an average of 15 minutes to warm up the vehicle. Remember that if at the sixteenth minute the vehicle is not warm then that vehicle is defective and you should call command. Follow commands instructions but if they give you any instruction other than to pull in you should ask for their pass number and name and report it to the union representative to file a grievance safety resolution form.
If you are relieving on the road and the vehicle is not warm with the temperature being under 45 degrees Fahrenheit then the vehicle is defective. In this case you should also call command to follow their instructions. However if they give you any instruction other than to pull in you should ask for their pass number and name and report it to the union representative to file a grievance safety resolution form.
If you cannot see it is unsafe to drive. Therefore make sure that the windshield wiper blades are in good condition and that they press against the windshield wiping it clean.  Also make sure that the windshield washer antifreeze is full. If the windshield wipers do not work then call command to follow their instructions. However if they give you any instruction other than to pull in you should ask for their pass number and name and report it to the union representative to file a grievance safety resolution form.

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