Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Corrupt union

Are we there yet? The union that comes to everyone’s mind when they hear the words ‘corrupt union’ is the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. For at least fifty to about sixty years this union was mired in corruption controlled by organized criminals who used its pension funds as banks for their casinos in Las Vegas. Even now it is not known whether the corrupt Jimmy Hoffa, who disappeared July 30, 1975, was either buried or missing. However he has been declared dead in absentia on July 30, 1982.
Do we in the TWU Local 100, with our financial irregularities, reach to that level of corruption - no one knows yet since the final report is pending from TWU International. However what we know is that there are financial irregularities - the numbers are mind boggling. Of all the personnel who have dipped their hands in the till, it appears almost all union bosses plus the employees from the street had the ability to enrich themselves with the membership dues.
Here no one else can be held responsible - it is John Samuelsen the current president of TWU Local 100 with his TBOU leadership team. The amounts vary which clearly reflects that there aren’t any financial safeguard policies. It only reveals that under his leadership there is a widespread mentality of - free for all - take what you want - take what you can carry - don't worry there is more membership dues to come.
It goes against the grain that the whole country is in an economic downturn except for John Samuelsen because he is spending the membership dues lavishly on incredible pay scales with his TBOU buddies that should have suffice their thirst. We demand from him that he releases all the names with the amount and figures of the union bosses with the staff who have been audited or who are currently being audited based on his claim that  ‘I was elected to bring greater transparency’. Now is the time to prove that rhetoric by deed and action as soon as possible. However do not hold your breath.
It appears chicanery is commonplace. It is surprising that he has to share this information with ‘other’ union leadership and not with the membership first - why - the principle on Wall Street is that a CEO of any organization answers to one share of a stock holder investor.  Every member holds one hundred percent of  TWU Local 100 with its financial well being. Therefore now is the time for John Samuelsen to answer with a coherent explanation to the membership. 

1 comment:

  1. Clearly this post is an out and out lie.

    If it is not a lie then please explain why the top 4 in 2010 under John Samuelsen made less than the top 4 (before Samuelsen) made in 2009.

    Answer is: You can't explain it.
    You can't explain why this administration essentially took a PAY CUT.

    Manhattanville the list of apologies you owe is growing ever wider.

    When will U realize that you just can't throw anything against the wall and make it stick?

    Just check out the LM2s for 2009 and 2010 and you'll see for yourself.

    This is something a responsible blogger would do BEFORE they post.
