Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Up to politics

Union bosses must use the yardstick of protecting the membership’s interest - that is not an impossible objective. It should be the reason that motivates those union bosses to make TWU Local 100 better. However it seems like every day we’re discovering that they aren’t. Daily we hear of alleged corruption, financial irregularities, sins both venial and mortal, along with self-serving feuds in the union hall. Those are all a recipe for a crisis of faith even in the most one hundred percent of union devout.  
John Samuelsen as president of TWU Local 100 must object when the union bosses are not protecting the membership. So far we have not heard him do that yet. We here in why did you join the union believe union bosses offenses are crimes against our membership when taken in isolation. Those should have sent John Samuelsen running to the nearest podium to denounce in no uncertain terms this kind of unwarranted behavior. Taken in the aggregate one must ask exactly whom these union bosses are serving.
We also believe those union bosses who are congratulatory with high fives and back patting are neglecting the membership. That has caused so much damage to our membership and is a blatant betrayal of that trust.
We are saddened that those we elected to serve and protect the membership have decided not to stand with us and have put their interests ahead of the interests of the membership. However we are undeterred in our belief that our membership would be far better protected without the current elected irresponsible and reckless behavior - we look forward to a day when we can all be involved in our TWU Local 100.
The eventual demise of the current leadership from self-inflicted wounds is as certain as the advent of the electronic age. In the months ahead the truth about John Samuelsen and TBOU will be exposed, their wild meaningless claims will be uncovered and they will face the membership with their votes. Unwilling to acknowledge this as a grassroots effort.

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