Monday, May 9, 2011

Is the ‘fix’ in?

We remember when New Direction (Tim Schermerhorn & Steve Downs) ‘brought charges to remove Corine Scott-Mack for improper use of her union credit card once she was found guilty, it opened a much broader investigation, which further undermined Willie James leadership.’
Well now it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that John Samuelsen has used the union credit card improperly. We are also aware Steve Downs being on a union payroll had meant a large pay increase without having to work a dirty job under sometimes petty and abusive supervisors. That reveals his character of trying to sweep under the rug John Samuelsen’s improper credit card use.
There is no question under John Samuelsen the improper use of credit card is more widespread than Willie James’ era - if you compare the amounts of John Samuelsen’s numbers they dwarf Willie James. One wonders where the grand vizier Steve Downs character went - whatever happened to chivalry. These days Steve Downs is likely to attack any member just by inquiring about the financial irregularities, problems or standards. We here in why did you join the union observed the recent attack by Steve Downs on a transit worker group that was directed towards Nelson Rivera, VP of CED concerning his inquiries of John Samuelsen’s improper use of credit card in the executive board meeting on 4/26/11. In addition to painting him as an obstructionist - ‘he’s got a direct line to the TWU’s national president, Jim Little’ - fact. He is a member of TWU’s International executive board and he may have Jim Little’s business card that contains his direct line - that is a huge valley where Steve Downs stroke of the brush went awry.
It is not far fetched that John Samuelsen and Steve Downs are doing everything in their power to sabotage any inquiries regarding financial irregularities, problems or standards. If you review the interim audit that John Samuelsen was forced to release unwillingly you notice that they have been removed from the local website without an explanation. Regrettably John Samuelsen with his TBOU have a reputation for arrogance and hypocrisy. We think some humility is called for, we need to further the hard work of getting our TWU Local 100 in order.
On the public relations front nothing better encapsulates how utterly disrespectful John Samuelsen is to the membership about how their membership dues are utilized keeping in mind how hard they have earned them. Clearly John Samuelsen with his TBOU chums have been eating out at ‘upscale’ restaurants which does not fall right in line with what the country, state and city are facing with the downward economy.
We demand that John Samuelsen should not be spending more than $50 a head on dinner $35 a head on lunch $15 a head on breakfast - it should be during a known union function with pre authorization from the executive board. If Samuelsen with his cronies want to act like the richest Americans, we would like to remind him that thousands of members work hard long hours. Their membership dues are for protection of the eight-hour workday, holidays and lunch breaks they are not for John Samuelsen to enjoy in fancy restaurants daily. 

1 comment:

  1. This post is so full of inaccuracies, hearsay and just plain lies it is not owrth my commentary. Keep this up and no one will take you seriously.
