Monday, June 20, 2011

If we knew then what we know now

The moment of silence is over and now it’s time to make some noise about John Samuelsen with his TBOU who have taken the TWU Local 100 union backwards. As a reminder do you remember his pledges prior to the election? What happened to all those John Samuelsen vows? Remember the ‘TOP 10 Reasons to Vote for Take Back Our Union We believe with the right leadership Local 100 can be rebuilt into a strong, powerful union capable of getting good contracts and protecting our jobs, wages, benefits and condition:
1) Stop the Givebacks
2) Restore No Layoffs clause to the contract
3) Fully protect seniority
4) Members not arbitrators should decide our contracts
5) Full 10% night shift differential
6) Free Healthcare - eliminate the 1.5 % Toussaint Tax, capping it is not enough
7) Improve the dental plan
8) A universal MTA pass including LIRR and Metro North
9) Get everybody to pay their dues arrears
10)Fully Represent the workers at MTA Bus, Mile Square, Royal Coach, Ardsley, First Transit and at every private company.’
It is unclear whether John Samuelsen with his TBOU are taking the union backwards - remember their empty rhetoric that was full of hot air. Just as Hillary Rodham Clinton said of George W Bush about her vote on the Iraq war ‘if I knew then what I know now’ the implication was clear ‘lies’ were utilized to get votes to go war. We believe the membership of TWU Local 100 fell into a similar situation - do you feel cheated.
TWU Local 100 members will be obliged to make a moral judgement based on John Samuelsen with his take backwards movement based on divine law.
Now is the time to ask John Samuelsen with his TBOU team what about those promises? Where did they vanish? Into thin air? We are raising awareness about being taken backwards instead of moving forward - now the larger question is how have things changed since John Samuelsen with his tacking backwards movement done to TWU Local 100. As many of you have said if we knew then what we know now we would have not done it.

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