Wednesday, June 29, 2011

William Rivera

We wonder what is the use of the monthly meeting of the TA Surface when during the whole meeting only two members are allowed to speak and others are not. We would recommend that the monthly meeting be called the John P Patafio and Jim meeting.
Clearly it is obvious William Rivera is ineffective in chairing the monthly meeting in addition to moderating the meeting for all to participate. Lets imagine if
William Rivera division chair of TA Surface were a teacher in a classroom full of students where he only favors one or two students over the rest in class participation. Regardless if that teacher is in a public, private or Catholic institute the parents will be mad. Obviously that teacher would not last one more day in the teaching profession and would be forced to seek another profession. However we are stuck with him till the election of 2012.
In the monthly meeting which was held at the Y on 63 Street on June 21, 2011 
William Rivera was talking to John P Patafio and Jim exclusively. Maybe this is their view of democracy where only three talk and the rest listen. We say this exclusion of others is unacceptable and morally reprehensible. It was obvious John P Patafio was talking so loud while the meeting was going on - we wonder why William Rivera was unable to call him out of order. It was Whitfiled Gibson a vice chair - called out one meeting - it was unclear why he was also unable to call out John P Patafio during the meeting thus indicating those who were in the podium were ineffective to ask for civility during the monthly meeting.
It was clear John P Patafio would not raise his hand like every other member but rather stand up which is itself a strange behavior of not following or adhering to the Robert rule of order. Not even once was he directed to be seated down and talk from the seating position - we wonder why that was allowed by William Rivera. Jim was the favorite of William Rivera since Rivera would not swivel or look left of the room to encourage others to participate. It is their monthly meeting to begin with - Jim was allowed to ramble as long as he wanted - we wonder why.
It is obvious William Rivera’s behavior at the podium is despicable for not allowing others who do not share his views to participate specifically his denigrating attitude directed towards Geraldo Torres chair of 126 Street depot. We here in why did you join the union say the TWU Local 100 TA Surface monthly meeting is for every member to be allowed to participate in discussions on the issues.

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