Wednesday, November 24, 2010

High-speed rail

It is clear that there is a concerted effort from the republicans against the high speed rail.  Why because it will create jobs for the blue collar workers. New Jersey Governor Christie throws his weight around and killed the ARC project. Now a new governor elect from Wisconsin is planning to do the same.
Wisconsin governor-elect Scott Walker who is republican has vowed to stop the high-speed rail. One wonders why there is no coherent answer you can get from the republican side about job creation. All there is to except is demagoguery, rants about deficit reductions, spending cuts and small government.
Their small government rhetoric means that bridges will be left without necessary repairs until they fall like the bridge in Minneapolis in August 2, 2007. In addition the levee system that was suppose to protect New Orleans from Katrina in 2005 was left to rot. Those appear to be man made decisions of leaving things to rot which were not in good working condition, this vitriol against blue collar jobs should in the name of spending cuts is wrong. Job creation is a must and the high speed rail is a great project that should be set into motion.
We salute democrats for approving labor union contracts in Wisconsin, due to the fact the governor-elect Scott Walker republican has indicated he would not approve them, he has not set foot in the governor office and he is already against the labor union contracts

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