Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jay H Walder 5

Dear Andrew Mark Cuomo
Congratulations for becoming the 56th New York State Governor 
Before you begin your first day in office we write as members of the blue collar workers from main street and we wish for you to consider our view point. Our view as average New Yorkers of the MTA CEO and chairman Jay H Walder is that he should no longer hold his position of leadership in public service.
New York City is a 24 hour city and the buses and trains run around the clock. Average New Yorkers who rely on these buses to get them around during the late night are being thwarted by Jay H Walder’s decision of service cuts.
Jay H Walder frustrates average New Yorkers who depend on transportation because now they have to wait longer for buses and trains. Once the buses and trains do arrive they are filled to capacity which causes their commute to be longer and New Yorkers are forced to arrive late to their work or homes. The technology advancement that Walder claims is present is useless because there are fewer buses and trains due to the service cuts.
It is obvious Jay H Walder wants to turn a world premier transportation system into a third world transportation system. That is the message that New Yorkers are getting about transportation in New York City based on Walder’s service cuts. 

1 comment:

  1. Got to say Manhattanville you are on the mostly right track or is it bus lane? with this Walder series. Nice job.
