Monday, November 15, 2010

Mass membership meeting

In any general mass membership meeting the objectives and goals are as follows: first the leadership conveys their aims for the future, second the membership acquiesces to those aims and affirms them and third is getting the membership in one large tent for harmony and well being.
The TWU Local 100 mass membership meeting of November 6, 2010 at the Jacob Javits Center was well orchestrated. It reflected the amount of time put into planning the event, and we here in the why did you join the union say it was a good job.
The day started early with the initial steward assembly which was informative. That was also beneficial to the stewards because by renewing their loyalty to the leadership it was a good indicator for Local 100.
Then the solidarity fund town hall meeting followed with the leadership opening themselves to Q & A from the membership. It was a positive step in the right direction and it was also evident that whenever you put two human beings together they will never see anything the same way. That is understandable however the rancor that was directed to the laid off member was a disgrace. It was shameful and hurtful there were an outburst among the crowd directed to the laid off member. Where is chivalry - we abide by a principle of an ‘injury to one is an injury to all’ - it is appropriate to dissent on the issues and we should take a hard look at ourselves rather than the cowardice that was directed towards the laid off member. We owe the laid off member an apology.
The general assembly was the culmination of the day which presented our loved ones with bus operator Larry Hanley. With his age he has earned wisdom, with his wisdom comes respect, and with respect comes honor. Also reporter Juan Gonzalez who knows what the blue collar workers endure in their livelihood. Those two giants can do no wrong in the eyes of the blue collar workers and their advice was well placed. They were a balsam for the town hall gall with their forward looking ideas and they did an excellent job.
The leadership aims for the future were portrayed exclusively by Samuelsen and so much was presented. Maybe all those ideas may not be accomplished and they are a tall order but time will tell. The membership acquiesced by their silence thus accomplishing the last objective of getting together.
Still when you organize a gathering there will be simpletons who are aimless and who harbor resentment based on racial prejudices, and we here in why did you join the union will address those in 2011. It’s not about Samuelsen’s ethnicity or race but about if he can accomplish those goals for the benefit of the membership and he should be given a chance. Those empty suit imbeciles should be shown the door, it is the right time to rearrange the house with a new blood infusion.

1 comment:

  1. Insightful Manhattanville. I lump those who spoke the ludest into 3 catagories: Fakes(those who would fake indignation in order to be back in their union jobs) Phonies (those who let 9 years of abuses go unimpeded, only to cry about justice now.) and Frauds (those who think the mebers have forgotten their actions of the past). These fakes, phonies and frauds only made themselves, not John Samuelsen look bad. Shouting down laid-off members or calling them "plants" will not make any points with anyone who is on the sideline.
    As if they had to "prove" compassion was not thier strong point. We already knew that.
    One of the main things people forget is how "open" their union is now. Whether you like this administration or not, when has ANY administration held a "town Hall" meeting where everyone would be encouraged to say whatever they want?
    When? Never that's when. Until NOW.
    Transparency, compassion, involvement, those are 3 things this administration has brought to the table.
    And it has been a breath of fresh air.
