Friday, February 11, 2011

Be careful

Is TWU Local 100 a responsible organization? One would like to believe it is an organization that protects it members at all times. Therefore it is baffling that a shop steward would be removed without getting the benefit of due process. 
All members of TWU Local 100 should be afforded a due process. Without due process then this organization is irresponsible because one would not be ensured that they are protected. As a result why would TWU not ensure John Landers that he is protected and treated fairly with proper procedure of due process being followed? 
John Landers removal was advertised on the RTO bulletin on February 2, 2011. The question is why was this advertised? Is this an appropriate course of action? Could it have been handled differently? You can answer these questions based on what a responsible organization should do. Would you like to be removed coupled with advertisement about your removal?
Further the bulletin goes on to state that others should be careful. Thus showing that this bulletin not only is meant to express removal of a steward but that other members should be careful because they too can be dealt the same card as John Landers. Therefore we would remind you to be careful with this steward training program - do you want your fate to be like that of John Landers?
Is that how a responsible organization proceeds with such tactics of advertising the removal of a steward and warning other members that they can be removed as well specifically without any due process? Is TWU Local 100 not concerned about giving its members their right to due process as expected from a responsible organization? Clearly John Landers wasn't given due process. As a responsible organization TWU Local 100 should protect its members not assail them. By throwing John Landers under the bus without due process TWU shows that it is going down the drain. 
We here in why did you join the union recommend to the membership to be wary of the so called steward training program and remember what was done to John Landers. Can you imagine any educational institute harming its student? It will never happen even in the event if a student has violated some rules. The teacher will never kick that student out of school and definitely would not make a bulletin. Generally teachers are matured they do not have knee jerk reaction such as grand vizier Steve Downs of removing John Landers.


  1. ridiculously argued try again.

  2. So your point is: a shop steward by virute of signing up for a class is permitted to go about their business anyway they feel is appropriate, without supervision, even if they give out false information to the membership?
    Please get to the punchline in this joke it is dragging on tooooooo long.

  3. Paul P is Paul Piazza an absolute John Samuelsen drone. Piazza is on the Local 100 E-Board and votes in the affirmative for anything John Samuelsen wants. He is so pro Samuelsen that he might vote YES to a request by John before it even makes it to the E-Board voting floor.

    Piazza and his fellow lap dog Derek Echeverria vote YES for John's agenda 110% of the time. Derek votes YES for Samuelsen because Samuelsen hired his laid-off station agent girlfriend to a local 100 job while all other laid-off station agents went without a pay check. Guess the old saying of it's not who you know but who you bl** rings true.

    Piazza on the other hand votes YES every time for John because he gets to remain on release time. Station department has two others on the E-Board who vote NO to everything Samuelsen puts forth. Katherine Davidson and Mike Morrales are NOT on release time but Piazza who votes YES each time for John is do the math.
