Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chris Tobin

MTA approved the release of its regular board meeting minutes of January 26, 2011 on February 23, 2011. While you review the minutes you find two members of TWU Local 100 were public speakers, Benita Johnson and Chris Tobin. Specifically upon further scrutiny on page seven under section two - public comment period.
You find Benita Johnson commented on the response to the December blizzard. We here in why did you join the union felt it would have been great if she commented or even challenged the board on their unanimously approving resolutions on page five such as (i) amendments of provisions of the Mabstoa pension plan, (ii) ...  increase in mandatory retirement age 62 to age 65 (iii) ...and conditions of the new Tier 5... (iv) an amendment of the Mabstoa plan to allow post-retirement loan repayments (v) amendments to provide that the retirement benefits of retirees of the Mabstoa plan...clearly she was out of her league on the bread and butter issues that concern TWU Local 100. Or maybe she was dozing off - you will find her in a non sequitur foreclosure. 
Then you come to Chris Tobin - the minutes indicate, ‘stated that he looks forward to reaching out and working with chairman Walder’. He owes an explanation to the membership of what his intention of working with chairman Walder is.
We cannot have a fellow co worker or a member among us seeking to reach out or work with chairman Walder since our employment relationship is limited in scope. We here in why did you join the union reject the idea or concept of reaching out and working with chairman Walder due to the fact that our fellow co workers are still laid off. Chairman Walder is anathema to the members of TWU Local 100, it is incomprehensible that one of us is willing to reach out and work with him - Chris Tobin owes an explanation to the membership.


  1. I think Manhattanville you were a little too polite in your reveiw of Tobins' comments.
    Tobin's comments were very revealing.
    What do you call a member who embraces a man who has done as much or more harm to the membership than any head of the MTA in recent memory?
    It is certainly hard to swallow.
    Can someone who intends on running for election in the TWU possibly be so uninformed that they would provide words of encouragement to Walder who has made life miserable for over 400 station agents and still is making life miserable for oer 80 MABSTOA bus drivers who are still laid-off?
    To a Jay Walder who to this day is trying to screw us out of our contract?
    Is his head in the clouds or stuck somewhere else?
    It is unreal in the level of stupidity and incompherhensible in the level of unawarness.
    This is all about making the current administration look bad.
    Once again the worst of Unionism: Union politics.
    But incredibily enough, Tobin thinks by patting Walder on the back, he scores points with the membership.
    On another Blog/website that is 100% against this administration and is a platform for a former Union officer Tobin is touted as a top-four candidate in the next election in a gazette by a for former shop steward.
    I bet they re-thinking their decision right about now.
    And will these internet Crusaders who blast everyone in the union and name call everyone in sight say one word about what Tobin said?
    Because it's all about egos and politics.
    It's all about getting union release time and keeping off the road.
    Integrity my behind.

  2. At the risk of writing too much I must chime in about Ms.Johnson.
    If her comments are taken in context the issue at the time was clearly what she spoke about. The newspapers were full of "dropped ball" stories about the blizzard and Ms. Johnson used this opportunity to stick it to the MTA.
    Good for Her.
    I have been with Ms. Johnson on numerous occasions speaking out against the the MTA board.
    In the fight to "keep booths open-stop layoffs", Ms.Johnson was a constant at the MTA board meetings as were the entire group of station division officers and John Sammuelsen and Angel G.
    They stood by our department when we were taking big, big, hits from Tobin's buddy Walder.
    Benita is always a good speaker and speaks from the heart, which always connects.
    There will be more MTA board meetings and we will all have the opportunity to tell Jay and his band of pirates about our issues.
    As long as no one "pulls a Tobin" we should all be fine.
