Friday, February 18, 2011

Israel Rivera

The executive board meeting of last friday february 11, 2011 brought additional charges against Israel Rivera which felt like beating a dead horse. We here in why did you join the union believe he has violated TWU Local 100 by laws xix (d) No member shall make known the internal affairs of the Union to non-members. This is agreed however we  recommend to John Samuelsen and the TWU Local 100 executive board to move on.
We here in why did you join the union believe this behavior reminds us of the Ox-Bow Incident. Israel Rivera has been removed from the office lets assume that was the wish of Samuelsen he got it, banning Israel Rivera for three years that was also granted. However the additional request of lifetime ban to run for office was vindictive. 
If we look at the current charges it appears cooler heads cannot prevail by letting the water under the bridge be. It clearly reveals motives that cannot be overlooked - it gives an impression that John Samuelsen is not satisfied with removal with the time ban of Israel Rivera but rather shows he has no mercy.
We here in why did you join the union recommend to John Samuelsen and the TWU Local 100 executive board to move on with important matters that deal with the membership wellbeing. We also recommend that a warning to Israel Rivera is enough - in the event he becomes a repeat offender in the future then the matter could be revisited. This matter must be closed lets move on.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of notes of clarificaton here:

    1.) The e-board did NOT bring charges against the former Sec Treasurer. A member brought charges against him and as per Bylaws/Constitution those charges must be heard.
    If there are more charges aginst him they would have to be heard as well. Same as any other member.
    2.)Also it is not a question of "Mercy" or "Vindictivness" or "water under the bridge" if a someone brings viable charges against someonelse they must be heard. Especially against an officer. It's a process in the TWU constitution. One cannot simply "move on" as long as these things are properly formulated they have to be followed through.
    3.) IMHO this whole episode points to the worst in Unionism which is bruised egos, politics and people looking towards the next election.
    TWU is in continuos election cycles. One election cycle ends at the election count and the other begins as soon as the votes are tabulated. It's been this way for 50 years,and who does it serve? NOBODY. And who does it hurt? EVERYBODY.
