Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Yuppie going thru middle life crisis

A yuppie who rides his ‘bike a lot’ who is known to cut in front of the buses instead of adhering and staying in the bike lane. Which New Yorkers have coughed monies so that those bikers could stay in their lane however not this yuppie.

He states ‘Just thinking of my own safety of course!’ however he hides the fact that he never stops for a red light, that he does not stop for pedestrians or allow them to cross the road in their crosswalk but he whizzes by. Sometimes ago he claimed that it gives him the adrenaline rush of his role model Lance Armstrong. This yuppie does not believe in the head helmet debate. He claims that it is a personal preference that he is not riding in a club or organized ride where wearing a helmet is required therefore it has no bearing on him or his ride or safety whatsoever. His choice is to let his hair loose and let it float in the air.

His bike is a fixed-gear bicycle, he claims its advantage is the low weight as well as that there are no brakes. He states that the brakes and their cables add extra bulk to the simple appearance of a fixed gear bicycle such as the famous fixed-gear-only race Monstertrack alleycat.

But rather he is free wheeling - riding on the wrong side of the road. We wish the NYPD was under William Bratton of the days bygone who dealt with those quality of life issues - especially like this yuppie biker who enjoys riding in a bus lane instead of being in the bike lane.

His holier-than-thou attitude when a bus sounds the horn causes him to yell at the bus operators that are honking the horn stating that it has ruined his ride while neglecting to mention that he is in the bus lane. He is quite the rebel (puberty is in the rear mirror but not while he has grey hair).

It is time New York City should enact a law for bicyclists to have good insurance and have identification. We TWU Local 100 are over taxed in paying for people’s negligence. Thus in our endorsement for the oncoming mayor race we should endorse a candidate who will enforce the bus only lane.

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