Saturday, March 25, 2017

If you can't beat them, join them

March 25, 2016

Analysis - a leopard can't change its spots, based on that principle John Samuelsen desired or had a hard on to remove Nelson Rivera for long time that is an undisputed old fact.

To accomplish that desire - John Samuelsen had to rethink of his old strategy adjusting by adopting a new as sly as a fox strategy in offering the administrative vice president position to Nelson Rivera.

Samuelsen cares only for the votes, due to that fact Samuelsen needs the Hispanic vote, thus "Nelson and I have had our differences, but we both have the same goal, and that is a union which is in a position of strength to advance and protect our membership.” is the face of Hispanic votes.

If you believed the John Samuelsen statement, it is fishy. Nelson maybe he felt he was a big fish in a small pond, thus administrative vice president is a bigger pond. As a vice president of CED, he had a seat at executive committee and executive board, a vehicle, six figure salary, embroidered shirts and jackets - what was he missing? or on the side what has he gained?

Now who will take over CED, can you guess Nicholas Lucas or Richard Rivera. So what about Joseph Campbell will he try to fend CED from Samuelsen poachers? Or he is next in line in the so called 'unified'President John Samuelsen told the Executive Board that a unified Local 100 is essential to face the coming challenges of an empowered anti-union right wing in the White House, Congress and very soon, the U.S. Supreme Court.’ while we are at it, let’s not forget Tommy Creegan, arm in arm.

Now, whether Nelson Rivera is willing to go back to his tools that is a question, he needs to answer that one, the other side of the coin is he able to go back to his tools? it is rumored maybe he has medical issues that will make him unfit to perform his work (we have seen many who cried on Samuelsen shoulder to be spared from work, because they can’t cut it) What about Roger Toussaint? Am I my brother’s keeper? Nelson was a Toussaint loyalist, maybe that relationship has been curtailed by the almighty dollar.

Here we have an illustrative history of John Samuelsen - if you do not kowtow to him or laugh at his silly jokes, what follows turns out to be a witch hunt for the presumed or imagined opponents. John Samuelsen when he told the executive board, ‘a unified Local 100 is essential’ you can classify the above statement any way you prefer to lie, false, untruth, misinform. Those words are worthless until the day we see a John Samuelsen arm in arm with Tommy Creegan. 

Israel Rivera Jr who was his 'brother' - who secured the Hispanic vote was kicked out mercilessly.

Lee Ireland who put his own personal wealth and worked 24/7 was booted unceremoniously 

Benita Johnson was jettisoned because she couldn't laugh at a silly joke.

Maurice Jenkins was dubbed big, he got the boot - here there is a contradiction Samuelsen is not svelte.

Vernon Thorpe got Samuelsen memo - it is his way or the highway.

Nelson Rivera, knows all the above, the common denominator was they were tired of being cronies, they needed their freedom they were aware of the cost - now the question to Nelson does he want to give up his freedom and liberty? The day Samuelsen feels Nelson disagrees or challenges him, Nelson will be unceremoniously kicked back to his tools.

John Samuelsen has an expectation of loyalty from Nelson Rivera. It will be interesting to see Nelson speak ill of Roger Toussaint, Joseph Campbell and others who were on his side forever. The unbelievable, Nelson now has to stand with a lightweight dunce (he is a good Christian - what a hypocrite) from MOW whose nom de guerre, dishing dirt on Roger Toussaint, day in day out, for everything under the sun.

To those who stood with Nelson Rivera, like Anita Clinton, Terri Adams, Kendra Hill, Vernon Thorpe, Joseph Campbell and Stephan Thomas, surprise even if you were a retiree get ready for mud to be thrown at you by your best friend forever Nelson Rivera, welcome to the world of Marcus Brutus.

Just a refresher for Nelson Rivera we believe he is not blind as a bat. He remembers Nicholas Lucas, Richard Rivera, those were Samuelsen lackeys and still are. We believe Samuelsen is still a leopard who can't change his spots.

It was John Samuelsen who took the vehicle away from Nelson Rivera, maybe it is better to be a live dog than a dead lion. Nelson Rivera piggyback on opponents of John Samuelsen who were hounding him. 

‘President John Samuelsen told the Executive Board that a unified Local 100 is essential to face the coming challenges of an empowered anti-union right wing in the White House, Congress and very soon, the U.S. Supreme Court.’ that is the red herring for assail on the membership dues, from mister softie, who has never believed in confrontational tactics and strategies to get the gains for blue collar members - mister softie recent contract is terrible that the membership will not prosper or sustain them, but rather regress from the middle class to hoi polloi (it is obvious our local has turned into a club of privileged few and not for all.)

Do you believe John Samuelsen when he told the executive board, ‘a unified Local 100 is essential’ something clearly does not add up, while the vice president of Mabstoa does not heed to this edict? does Samuelsen listen to the membership? No - he will listen only if you can bring him votes, does Samuelsen listen to the membership needs? the answer is clear!

Do you believe John Samuelsen when he told the executive board, ‘a unified Local 100 is essential’ go ask Israel Rivera Jr, Lee Ireland, Benita Johnson, Maurice Jenkins, Vernon Thorpe and TAS bus operators in Mabstoa - guesses their answer! 

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