Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bronx Courthouse

As you are aware the attacker - Steangali Medina of the bus operator 
Marlene Bien-Aime who was assaulted while doing her work on Tuesday June 21, 2011  was arraigned in Bronx County Criminal Division Court on September 12, 2011 around 
1030 AM.
The weather was fair outside the courthouse however inside the court it was not fair - Steangali Medina employed a clever lawyer, who appeared to have the edge over the assistant district attorney of the Bronx. It was a one sided affair Steangali Medina had her family with her and when her name was called her lawyer stood up, looked backward and waved for her to come forward - she was seated at the last bench in the rear of the courtroom. When she stood up she was around 5 feet tall and weighed about 160 lbs. She had long black hair with pink flashy lipstick and she wore an athletic T shirt with sweat pants. When she reached her lawyer they proceeded forward to the defendant table - at the same moment the assistant district attorney bending over the the table was shuffling the papers and not looking up.
While the judge sat patiently the bailiff announced the case and handed the file to the judge who opened the folder and started to read. Instantly Steangali Medina’s lawyer started to engage the judge in a manner of seeking leniency of time and leniency of adding any other charges since she is under the age of majority, that she is seventeen years old (17). Her physical appearance indicates she may be older - her lawyer claimed due to the fact that nothing was provided to him from the District Attorney office or the State - he requested Thursday as his day of liking. The judge agreed to both requests and he affirmed the previous charges without adding anything else - we wished she was charged as an adult. In addition we would prefer the charge of assault in the first degree instead of current one assault in the second degree and assigned November 3, 2011 that it will be moved to part H-96. The judge adjourned the case. Immediately she sneaked out - we could not pursue her at the same time to get the information from the bailiff.
We were disappointed John E Samuelsen president of TWU Local 100 Take Backward Our Union TBOU and his cronies were missing at the Bronx County Criminal Division Court. John E Samuelsen with his cronies blasted email and text messages claiming that the case was cancelled and that was far from the truth.
However one of John E Samuelsen’s cronies claimed that one party will be there that is the attacker thus we would not show up - this principle is nonsense. Lets assume a member is dead just as Edwin Thomas does it mean that no one should show up? It is hypocritical of John E Samuelsen and his cronies - in the memory of Danny Boggs the whole executive board was forced to attend the memorial.

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