Monday, September 12, 2011

No to 195 Montague Street

Recently John E Samuelsen president of TWU Local 100 - Take Backward Our Union TBOU has doubled his efforts to purchase the above property. It is ridiculous for one to purchase twenty percent (20%) of any property in addition the remaining eighty percent (80%) is under the co-op board directors. Now lets take a look at the facts of the said building as presented by KVNY Commercial - as it has been designated ‘Downtown Brooklyn Submarket’ there is 3rd floor that is empty then there is the 9th floor which is also empty.
It is a fact of life co-op board of directors are hard to deal with they are difficult people who want to elevate themselves above others and who have a lot to say. When one wants to purchase a co-op apartment many of you have heard the negative impression the co-op board of directors have had in the past which is the issue here.
First if the co-op board of directors claim the presence of TWU Local 100 then that will devalue their shares. Boards of directors in cooperatives have two basic legal obligations. The Board must follow the co-op's internal rules (as set forth in the by- laws, the proprietary lease, the certificate of incorporation and the house rules). It must also exercise prudent business judgment in making decisions, just like any other corporate board.
Second lets assume co-op board of directors of 195 Montague Street would welcome us with open heart - what if when we have differences among ourselves when we have heated debates and our voices are loud what will the co-op board of directors do then?
Third events - as TWU Local 100 we have many events, we cant have co-op board of directors stoping our events. Fourth lets assume we want to hang a huge banner against either the MTA, New York City Mayor or the New York State Governor is it possible?
Fifth if this property will become a union property - lets assume the co-op board of directors contracted non union workers then how would we be viewed allowing scabs to work in our property.
Sixth the entrance point - will the TWU Local 100 have its own exclusive entrance as at 80 West End? Those are simple observations - we encourage the members of the executive board to say no. We need a neighbor who would have little to say about whether TWU Local 100 could buy the house next door. However the shareholders in the co-op corporation, represented by the co-op board, have a whole lot to say about who can become fellow members of their club.

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