Friday, September 23, 2011

We know where he was

Kevin Harrington vice president of rapid transits operation was at the rat-free campaign at Parson/Archer subway station instead of going to the Bronx courthouse to hear the attacker of the motorman Darryl George - Arrocho, Richard theatrics in the courtroom.
It is a worthy cause for New Yorkers to have a rat free subway however New York City is infested with rats. How can you eliminate rats who will escape to safe havens of the sewer underneath? In addition to emerge later on once the rat poison wears out. Whether there is a nexus between rats and the contract of 2012 that is not clear. It may be a worthy cause on the health side however even with the employment of more cleaners rats will be around.
However Kevin Harrington who likes to talk a lot about solidarity was absent at the Bronx court house. Many of you have known him as a talkative, long winded Harrington who likes to hear himself talk however he was missing in the Bronx courthouse. He will talk a lot about rats but he will never talk about why he was not present in the Bronx courthouse. Here we speculate maybe John E Samuelsen gave him an excuse not to attend the hearing.


  1. You don't seem to get it, perhaps because you work in the Buses which do not have as much of a problem with rats.
    This is an attempt to better the quality of life issues of our members and the public. How can you possibily be against that?
    I don't know about you but as a person who works in stations I am tired of opening bathroom doors and expecting to see rats there.
    I know in your palatial depots it is different, but on our side of the house it is a reality.
    Chalk it up to conflicting dates, not certainly not neglience.

  2. BTW the whole rat initiative was a huge success getting TV, radio, and newspaper coverage. Events like this put pressure on the MTA to do something.
    It should not be a chioce of either we go to court or we do a protest. There is room for both.
    And do you know what aid has been given to that train Operator by the Union since the incident?
    No, you do not.
    So you comdemnation rings a little hollow.
    But if your post is a dramatized way to say we should support this brother who has been attacked by a crazy crackhead, then it is a point well-taken.
    We need better protection for our members out on the road; in buses, in stations on trains.
    That much is clear.
    The issue is how do we go and get this done?
